Need some advice


6 Years
Mar 27, 2013
Gus and Lucy are outside full time now. I've been using grass clippings for bedding as the pen has a concrete bottom. Is there anything better that I can be using besides the grass clippings? Once summers over there wont be any grass clippings left to use so i'm looking for something a little more permanent. Heres a few pictures of the pen it's about 20ft. long and about 10 ft. wide. Theres a drain just outside the gate that leads to the sewer.These pics are a couple of months old and I switched out the shavings. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Dog kennels are great but you need to know something raccoons can get through to the birds through the fencing. I had a coon pull a whole runner duck through the fencing!!! You need to take and put hard wear cloth all around the bottom of the kennel to keep the paws out. Plus looks like you need to put it on the top as well. I can not se the top to see if you have any wire on the top or not.
Will they come around even if the dogs patrol the outside area around the pen? I've never even seen a raccoon in our neighborhood but looks like I'll be making a feed store run today just to be safe...

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