Need some info on vaccinations please


7 Years
Jul 6, 2012
Canandaigua NY
I realize many of you don't vaccinate chicks, so my question is for those that do their own. I will be hatching Black Australorps in the spring and would like to vaccinate before I sell the day old chicks. I figure it can't HURT, only help, and the vaccinations are relatively cheap. I would like to vaccinate against Coccidiosis, Marek's and Fowl Pox.
From my understanding, for the coccidiosis, it's just a small amount given orally. Then they should be quarantined for 3 to 4 weeks for the vaccine to build immunity, though they are not a danger to other poultry without a quarantine. For the Marek's, it's an injection under the skin on the neck, correct? No quarantine is needed. For the Fowl Pox, it is a wing puncture... nothing is injected? How do you know if any of the vaccine got into the wing? Please tell me if I'm wrong on my info so far.

How common/deadly/contagious is Fowl Pox? Should this one be on my "must" list?

I am squeamish about giving an injection to a little chick. I know once I do a few, I'll be okay. Any tips from those that are pros at this?

Has anyone had chicks get sick and/or die because of vaccines?

Lastly, can anyone suggest the best web sites to purchase these vaccinations?

I realize I don't NEED to vaccinate, but if I'm going to sell day old chicks, I want them to have the best possible start in life.

I've read and researched videos a bit, but would just like to hear from you all that have been there. Thanks!

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