Need some wisdom


7 Years
Apr 23, 2012
Louisville Ky
I have had 2 chickens die and another came ill. The conclusion was avian pox and a respiratory ailment for one of the deceased. I gave my sick roo 1cc of Tylan 50 for 4 days, once a day. He doesn't act sick except for that he is still walking heavy and walks with his legs bent. Will this go away? And if so, how long. Should I still give him the shot?
I have had 2 chickens die and another came ill. The conclusion was avian pox and a respiratory ailment for one of the deceased. I gave my sick roo 1cc of Tylan 50 for 4 days, once a day. He doesn't act sick except for that he is still walking heavy and walks with his legs bent. Will this go away? And if so, how long. Should I still give him the shot?
If you have any other chickens that seem ill you should take them to a vet asap. It is not usual for chickens to die from avian pox (unless they get the wet pox). How do you know they had avian pox and respiratory problems? What were their symptoms?

The rooster walking with its legs bent is not normal at all and is not a symptom of avian pox. If any of you birds have avian pox, then the will all have it as its spreads very quickly and easily.

Was the roo walking with the legs bent before you gave him the Tylan? If not, what were his symptoms?

Hope he is doing better now. Please let us know how things are going.
Not until he had the pox. I had a necropsy done on one of my deceased chickens. He had pox and respiratory illness. What else can cause the walking issue?

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