Need suggestions!

The white or yellow of the egg? Hard boiled? And then just mix in the oil and crushed up vitamin b?

Scrambled seems to work best (I cook them in a little butter), chopped up small. For the vit. E you could try adding it to the egg or you can prick the end of the capsule then drop some on tip of beak, it will roll down and she should swallow. With the vit. B it's easier to crush and add to water, you can start by using the drip method from a syringe with treated water or just add it to her normal water source.
Good luck, sweety :hugsIf the bloody poop continues I'd consider treating for coccidiosis, she might have developed that secondarily to her wobbles and it won't hurt her if that's not the issue.
Sorry about your pullet. I agree that I would restart vitamins (the B complex and the E) to see if if helps. It is always hard when you are dealing with a mysterious problem. I hope that it isn’t Mareks.

I’m going to give it a try. Is Mareks contagious? Isn’t it deadly?
Yes it is contagious, but if you have one with it, they have probably all been exposed at the same time. Just remember that many things can appear to be Mareks, and it is best to get it confirmed with a necropsy after the chicken dies, hopefully a long time from now. Vitamin or mineral deficiency, infections, and other things may cause symptoms. I have a hen who had been normal for 6 years, then suddenly could not keep her balance. She stayed like that for over a month, but now walks all around, albeit a little wobbly. I would just give her special care to make sure that she can reach her food and water, protect her from being hurt or bullied, If you lose her, keep her body cold (not frozen,) and contact your state vet for a necropsy.
Yes it is contagious, but if you have one with it, they have probably all been exposed at the same time. Just remember that many things can appear to be Mareks, and it is best to get it confirmed with a necropsy after the chicken dies, hopefully a long time from now. Vitamin or mineral deficiency, infections, and other things may cause symptoms. I have a hen who had been normal for 6 years, then suddenly could not keep her balance. She stayed like that for over a month, but now walks all around, albeit a little wobbly. I would just give her special care to make sure that she can reach her food and water, protect her from being hurt or bullied, If you lose her, keep her body cold (not frozen,) and contact your state vet for a necropsy.

How are chickens exposed to Mareks?
They get it from the virus which is spread in dust and dander of infected chickens, and it can already be in your environment, could be brought in by wild birds, or inadvertently brought in on shoes and clothing when visiting places frequented by other chicken owners. It is thought to remain in the environment for months to years after an infected chicken has been there. Some say it is everywhere in backyard flocks. There is a vaccine available.

Here is some reading about Mareks disease that may answer more questions: Recognizing and Preventing Mareks Disease in Small Flocks.pdf

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