Need to find a new home for my roosters in Arizona


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 21, 2014
Sadly I need to find a home for my Roos. We purchased 5 bantam chickens on March 16th and I've Hung on to my babies as long as I could. They are starting to get a little too noisy for my neighborhood and I need to find them a good home. I'm afraid to post them on CL or anything like that for fear of them going In the wrong hands. They are both very sweet boys and I would love to find them a home where they might enjoy most their lives before they end up on someone's dinner table. Does anyone know of a place or person in Az who might be willing to take them?
Here is Ross, I don't know what breed he is other than he's in the bantam family

Here is Richard which I have been told he is a old English game bantam.

If anyone can help I'd appreciate it!
That is a problem. Thanks to zoning laws and HOA's roosters are a chicken non gratis - everyone is trying to rehome them or have them for dinner. Sometimes a feed store will take them for free, and they resell them. But again, you don't know who will take them and what they will do.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Sorry about you having to rehome your little guys. Try posting in your state thread for local homes, also you can post in the BST Animals In Need Or Free Rehoming section after you have 20 posts
You might also see if there is a 4-H or FFA club in the area where a member might want a project bird. I would also go ahead and post in Craigslist etc, remember you can screen homes, you don't just have to give them to the first person who calls, there are people looking for pets or flock roosters who check places like that.

Welcome to BYC!

They are so adorable! Good luck finding them good homes and welcome to our flock!
Definitely post on the Arizona thread mentioned above. Also mention in the post where in Arizona (Tucson?). They are beautiful roosters. Unfortunately I already have 6 roosters with only 9 hens and no extra pens.
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Thank you everyone! I will definitely post in the az section. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my chickens and I really hate to see my roos go :( Ross (the little black one) is the sweetest little chicken we have.
I also need to find a home for my rooster......can anyone help? and only request he goes to a no kill place ty 602.999.3644

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