Need to know breed on this hen!!


In the Brooder
Mar 23, 2016
We purchased an 11m old hen who is supposed to be laying and we were told it was an americauna. Only she has no beard or muffs so. Thinking Easter egger but she also has a rose comb????
I thought it looked like a Wyandotte too but she says it lays greenish blue eggs. But she has yet to lay
Not all easter eggers will have the beard and muffs. I had one that was a cream legbar/swedish flower mix that didn't. Easter eggers are crosses between any breed and a blue egg layer, I do agree whatever blue egg layer was probably mixed with SLW
Looks like a mutt ;) Probably Wayandotte/EE. They will often take a break from egg laying when stressed, especially after moving into a different coop than used to. May take her a few weeks. She could also be entering molt and may stop laying for a bit longer if so.
None of them look like they're molting but we have 5 all between 25-27weeks and then her the 11m old none are laying :/
Have the younger birds ever laid yet? Are you feeding them layer pellets/crumble and have calcium, like oyster shells, availabe to them? Are they located where many wild birds are nearby and possibly they have worms? In my area there are lots of wild birds and so my chickens need to be dewormed every six months. More urban locations may be ok yearly. Too many birds in a smaller coop/yard? A bully roo or hen in the group stressing everyone out? I wouldn't worry about an 11 month old not laying if you just added her, but your younger birds should probably be laying by now and something may be stressing them too much. Hope you figure it out!
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On layena with oyster shells for about 2-3 weeks now. We have a pretty big run with 5 total chickens none have laid before I don't know what to do lol
Normally you should start layer feed when pullets are about 18 weeks old so that egg production starts around 20-22 weeks for most breeds. Then allow oyster shells once they start laying. If they haven't laid yet, I might remove the oyster shells until they do. Maybe they just need a bit longer on the layer feed since it has only been a few weeks. I would also limit scraps and scratch to make sure they are getting most nutrition from the later feed. Hopeful that will do it!
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