Need to Laugh? This is a funny story thread


11 Years
Jul 29, 2008
Trapped in my computer
you can post ANY stories here, on ONE condition: that they're funny! they can be from a joke book or from your own experience, or from other threads, that's fine!

If you don't have a story to post, it's ok! If you need a good laugh just read these stories. If they don't even make you smile then go back to work and forget about it!

My Story:
My parents told me this.
Once when i was little, oh, probably 3 or 4, i needed an afternoon nap, so i took one. a few hours later, i got out of bed, marched into the living room where they were talking, and announced 'slept all night!'

Note: The best kind of laughing is laughing at the silly things we do ourselves.
6. No Spam. Spamming is posting the same thing several times. "Bumping" (posting to move a thread up on the forum list) and cross-posting (posting the same thread in several forums) are examples of spam.
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6. No Spam. Spamming is posting the same thing several times. "Bumping" (posting to move a thread up on the forum list) and cross-posting (posting the same thread in several forums) are examples of spam.
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