Need to rehome hen in Phoenix area

crazy hen quartet

11 Years
Dec 20, 2008
Chandler AZ
Hiya everyone..

I am hoping to find a nice home for one of our hens. She is a healthy 10 month old black austrolorpe. Reliable layer of medium cream colored eggs, avg 22 per month.

I have a small backyard flock with no roo, and she has taken it upon herself to become the bully of the bunch. She never draws blood or causes injury, she is just a bratty pest to my poor, mellow EEs and so I am looking for someone with a larger flock that won't tolerate her shenanigans OR a flock with a Roo to keep her in line!


I have listed her on craigslist for $10 but I know it would do my heart better to know she is going to someone here. Even tho she drives everyone crazy, we do have a few warm fuzzies for her... after all, she is one of the girls.

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