Need to rehome some Roosters

Bobby Basham

7 Years
Jul 20, 2012
Tucson, Arizona
I see that there aren't a lot of takers for roosters in this category. I've got two Huge Rhode Island Reds which I can't keep because I live within the city limits. There is also one Black Australorp which I suspect is also a roo and possibly an Austra-White, but it's looking more like the other two hens. They're all absolutely gorgeous and well, well, well fed. They eat better than me, eating frozen dinners, and they dine on chopped steaks, pork chops, rice, pasta, collard greens, kale, string beans, peas, cooked corn, BOSS, meal worms, a little multi-grain scratch on the side, and anything else I can throw in the mix. They get plenty of oyster shell, hard boiled eggs, grit, and must finish their feed first before enjoying these luxuries.

The Humane Society wants to charge $15.00 for each bird surrendered. There is a farm about 30 miles southwest from here that will take them because they offer butchering classes every month. No love loss here if they get to free range or go directly to the stew pot, just need to get rid of them. They are approximately 20 weeks old and their meat should be tender.

They are FREE to any takers and I'm in Tucson, AZ. BobbyB
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