Need to talk to someone...

God is Good! Praying for you.
Today I was reading the update on my older cousins transplant who's been in rejection and died on the way to the hospital with his wife driving and they got there in time to get him to come back and had aspirated during a procedure and is still battling pneumonia...
So I bring this up just to show a person that it is possible to have many ups and downs and still be strong in your relationship with Our Lord.

I wanted to share something his step daughter had written on the update today, she paraphrased Zeph. and says, "In our absolute weakest moments God can “quiet us”—including our pains, sorrows, worries, anxieties and straight noisiness—“with His love.” (Zeph 3:17) He breathes new life."

What ever trials and burdens you are carrying now A-1... know that He is always with you as your brothers and sisters in Christ are with you as well.

I'm here for you and lift you up to His Holy name in Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

Love your sister in Christ,
Just saw this... you are in my prayers and thoughts. Please reach out and talk to someone do not
carry what ever it is by yourself. Take care and God Bless

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