Neem oil (Triple Action Neem Oil) spray on grass


In the Brooder
Jul 9, 2020
I need to spray my lawn, garden, rose bed. I have aphids, fruit flies, and grubs.
I also have Ducks.

Can I use Neem Oil and how soon can my ducks go back on the grass? I have scoured the internet and can’t find any info on re-entry for flock or animals that eat grass.

I spray my garden regularly with Neel oil, and the ducks are allowed in right after, and I've experienced no problems. I wouldn't see why there would be a problem, since it's used quite frequently on humans' skin as lotions, etc.

Do understand I'm referring to 100% cold-pressed neem oil, not the stuff you get in the store which contains several other ingredients that I'm unaware of there safeness.

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