Neglected barking dog


5 Years
Jan 27, 2014
Tucson, AZ
I moved in here 3 months ago. My nextdoor neighbors have a huge beautiful husky wolf mix dog. The dog lives alone in their front yard as a watchdog. it is isolated, lonely and bored. The family's house is huge, and they habitate the back yard which is so far away they cannot hear the dog. Dog lives Just 4 feet away from windows. My house is tiny, 450sq feet. The dog cries whines barks and howls from sun up to about 10 at night when he passes out. I have went to my neighbors several times. He said he bought a bark machine but the dog doesn't care. I wrote them polite letters explaining the stress from living with constant noise. I log it as at least 8 hours everyday. I wake up at 330 every morning and sleep is very important since I am in the medical field. He soon got tired of my polite imploring. I told him of my plan to call the city, sue him and call the police. They did not care. So, Wednesday I called the city and police. Police heard and he got a ticket. Dog now lives in the house! I have had 2 glorious blissful quiet days. I hear the doves and mockngbirds. I hear my chickens cluck. Crickets. I am so sorry I had to go that far. We should all be courteous to neighbors.
I spoke too soon. They kicked the dog back out. I have to live here 9 more months. I am so tired of taking Benedryl just to go to sleep. I can't remember anytime in life that I couldn't sleep due to noise.:/9
So sorry you have to put up with this. Maybe you could ask the doctor for valium and then insert one in hamburger and give the nice puppy a treat?
Funny! Because I plan on making a dr appointment for myself to get Valium. I had a crazy cat that took valium for years. It made him happy and calm, so why not try it myself.
My house is tiny. It is like he is barking into a megaphone. It is especially bothersome in my bathroom. He is just a couple feet away, and I cannot close the bathroom window. I do close the bathroom door in attempt to keep the noise down, doesn't work. I was thinking of boading up all the windows and soundproofing withcork and drywall.
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I would just keep calling the police when you hear the dog. Eventually the town will either get tired and do something more drastic or the neighbors will decide to get rid of the dog.

I'm sorry you are having to go through this.
I told the neighbor to please move the dog to the back yard. Where the family hang out. He didn't comply untill I blasted his living room with a very loud recording of dogs barking that I found on youtube. He didn't like that and it has now been 24 hours of silence. The dog still barks a bit, but over 100 yards away.

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