Neighbor complaining about noisy hens; what can I do?

I think it's ridiculous when new people move into a home and immediately start complaining about what their neighbors are doing. Your chickens were there first!

I have an idiot neighbor kinda like this, and I love to do small, legal things that irritate the crap out of them. Such as releasing thousands of insects into my vegetable garden, then snickering when a pest control company shows up at their house a week later. Repeatedly.

I've also: parked my car in my lawn, stopped watering the front lawn, left my RV (which in all honesty I had planned to move) in my driveway for them to complain about, even though it's perfectly legal there. I put in a veggie garden in the front lawn, and had to tear out a bunch of tree roots to do that (no trees on my side of the fence). So, yeah. The neighbors leave me alone now, which is exactly the way I like it.

If they want to fabricate drama, I'll give them all the drama they want. In my quiet, passive aggressive and totally legal manner.

Good luck with your own neighbors.

I confess to doing similar. :oops:

My avatar is my bike on the front lawn. :lau

Wanna gripe about me painting something for the back yard purple?
Ok now my bench on the front porch is purple with colorful butterflies stenciled on.

Gripe about hubs tow truck parked out front... Ok we got the law changed so even the really big one is legal there.

Don't like the deliberately chosen flowers I planted....ok now it is a sprinkled wildflower mess.

Yeah I don't like that guy.
Amen @Quackter for finally going for the WIN!

@frogeyed were you there first?

It could be a predator was making them scream that night, and only they heard it this time.

I wouldn't give in.

You may also have the most loving parents in the world, but it seems they are also giving in, and I think it could go a long way for you to get the win by yourself, to show them not to give in so easily.

But also.....

Like others before....

It's possible or is your parents that don't want the chickens and they made up the going to the neighbors may just get odd looks and wonderment.

Be diligent.

And Bloody win.

Work within your rights.
And fight for them.

By any means necessary.

Welcome to BYC! Sorry you are having this problem with your neighbor. Your new neighbor sure sounds like a bully. Moving into a new neighborhood and demanding that all the neighbors fit into what they see as their little realm is not the neighborly thing to do. Of course, since you are a teen you have to abide with your parents wishes. Have you spoken with your neighbors that have chicken themselves? Perhaps they can support you in holding onto your chickens. Best wishes for your flock.
I'd guess a sound ordinance will Trump a right to keep chickens anytime.


It sounds like the neighbors wouldn't know a coyote from a chicken from a toad.....

They may just need a little education.

If they remain ventholes....

Get that video/audio...

Work within your rights and win.

Crush them.
Then give them eggs!

Wanna gripe about me painting something for the back yard purple?
Ok now my bench on the front porch is purple with colorful butterflies stenciled on.

This made me laugh.

Not only bc it’s silly to complain about a color of paint on a backyard item, but I previously lived in a city where there was a BIG interest and following for the HS sports teams. One popular team had a medium blue color, the other more (seemingly*) popular team was royal purple. So, royal purple front doors were not unheard of. Purple lawn ornaments or accents not unusual. When we looked at homes (moved 2x in that city), saw many teen BOY rooms painted royal purple, or sometimes that medium blue. Sometimes the entire finished basements were decked out -themed to HS team of choice, and yes, painted purple/white.

*seemingly bc a royal purple front door draws your attention more than a medium blue one.
I never had an account here until now, though I often "lurk" here for advice for my chickens. The reason I made this account is because this is an "emergency".

I'm a teen living in Lancaster, California. I have 3 hens and two juvenile chickens.

Just today, my mom had said my new neighbor(s) next door are complaining about my chickens being noisy (ironic considering last night, when it sounded like there was a dying screaming dog next door, not to mention there's so many other noisy garbage around here).
I never got any complaints until today. My mom is worried about being fined $1K+ due to possible noise complaints from them, and she now wants to get rid of the chickens that I've had for months.

A friend of my mom's who raises chickens isn't accepting any more chickens right now, and if I give my chickens to any other of my mom's friends, they'll most likely kill them for food regardless of age or whatever (it's probably a fillipino thing...happened to some of my chickens years ago when I was younger) rather than keeping them as pets or for eggs.

I've been trying to find some ways to fix this through this forum, and all I ever see are people saying to offer the offended (more like offending) neighbor some eggs, which won't work, or to cover the chicken coop, which is impossible for me to do due to how the cage / coop is built.

I keep trying to reason with my mom, but she isn't going to listen to me.

Is there anything I can do to keep my animals quiet? All the "choices" I have right now will most likely result in my chickens being killed. I'm really desperate, and I don't want to lose my pet chickens.

If it helps, I have a leghorn and two small bantams(?). The leghorn lays every day, and screams before and after (mostly when she wants to go outside). The other two barely make much noise, only when they lay an egg once in a while. The two younger chickens are relatively quiet.
I live in a city (sort of), so there's obviously some loud noises everywhere during the day.
Sorry if I'm posting in the wrong forum, but I don't know where else / what else to do...
Maybe you should have your mom read all these posts. I don’t think she should bend over backwards for that new neighbor, if she does there will be something else the neighbor doesn’t like later on and if you guys are operating within city codes and the only time your chickens make noises is during the day. I would think she does not have a foot to stand on.Why don’t you make a deal with her, tell her if her dog does not bark that you will move the chickens.
I speak as a "parent" ... It may seem like we don't "care/hear/listen" to what our children have to say but we do take it to heart. Sounds like your Mom is trying to work something out with her friend :hugs So cut your parents some slack ;) They are busy with earning a living, raising their family and dealing with daily struggles. As with my Grandkids, their concern is THEIR lives :cool: It's all part of growing up ... Your turn will come to be on the "other side" :lau
I am also a parent. My thoughts are a little different... assuming chickens are legal in the OP's locale. I think the OP's mom would be right to stand her ground on the chicken complaint. Whiney neighbors are no reason to deny a teenager the joys of poultry keeping. Chickens are so much healthier than, say, terrorizing the neighborhood or getting into drugs or something. This teen seems to be on the right track, why take that away from your kid just because a new neighbor doesn't like your lifestyle? Why is this mom letting a new neighbor dictate her family's way of life? Just my opinion, but I would not tolerate it... period.
I am also a parent. My thoughts are a little different... assuming chickens are legal in the OP's locale. I think the OP's mom would be right to stand her ground on the chicken complaint. Whiney neighbors are no reason to deny a teenager the joys of poultry keeping. Chickens are so much healthier than, say, terrorizing the neighborhood or getting into drugs or something. This teen seems to be on the right track, why take that away from your kid just because a new neighbor doesn't like your lifestyle? Why is this mom letting a new neighbor dictate her family's way of life? Just my opinion, but I would not tolerate it... period.
Exactly what I think! As long as the child keeps the coop and everything clean, there shouldn’t be a problem. I would think what would be more irritating is a barking dog or a neighbor that does not pick up their dog feces regularly! I have had to deal with that and that is a very unsanitary situation which breeds flies! Chicken poop may attract flies, but dog poop breeds them!

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