Neighbor hates my chickens- will she do them harm?

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It was hard for me.... but I did try to have some sympathy for the crazy lady. But at the point she showed intent to harm my chickens... then I couldn't find it within myself to feel sorry for her anymore.

On a silly note.... yesterday they moved the stake my DH put in to mark the start of our fence further away from the road. So I moved it back... but I'm not going to play that game. If she does it again I'm just going to pull it out. Let her wonder where our fence will start. Sigh. Still no Spock complaints from the town to us!

Maybe you should get a can of orange marking paint. Spray an X for the stake. Maybe spray an arrow pointing towards the street with a date in the future, just to confuse her.

Or do nothing. Let her wonder
Maybe you should get a can of orange marking paint. Spray an X for the stake. Maybe spray an arrow pointing towards the street with a date in the future, just to confuse her.

Or do nothing. Let her wonder

Or if you have a few paint cans about spray different colored spots around. Just remember that the orange one is the right one.
If the requirement is 45 feet, I would make it 46 feet. That way you are well within the limits and there will be no issue how the measurement is taken when she files a complaint.
I am so sorry you have to go through this. I also have to commend your patience, if it was me I think I'd have gone insane or done something drastic by now. But then I have 6 dogs in a escape proof pen behind my house, 24 hens, 2 roosters, 8 geese, 7 ducks, and1 outside cat who is our mouser. If someone tried to harm any of them I'd go ballistic. They are my beloved pets and family, and I would go to war for them.

You never did say if the Chevy was owned by the council member who voted against you. Because if it is that's harassment and might be grounds for a repeal.

Also, can I recommend geese? They have loud voices, and my Chinese and Africans are great watch dogs/ attack dogs. Anything or anyone coming into their yard gets honked at very loudly and attacked, and those bites hurt. And properly raised, they can and do form bonds with their owners similar to dogs. Very smart and loyal creatures. And they are not Rooster and so would be not be effected under the zoning regulations. I have a male Chinese, female African pair that are around 16-21 weeks old I am selling. They were hand raised by me. I'd be happy to sell them to you to help keep the nut case out of your yard! :gig
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The craziness continues. I went outside to check the end of their fence that my DH had closed off that is hidden in the back of our future goat pasture. Sure enough crazy lady had pulled down our fence that kept her from getting next to our animals! I got mad....I did pull out the property line stake they had next to the road and I threw it away. I'd do it again! So instead of just putting our connector fence back up I carried 6 partial roles of old fencing and put them over my fence and lodged them in between their fence and my pasture fence. And I chained the first one to a tree so they can't pull it out. Then I installed my game cam pointed right at the end of crazy lady's fence.... the only way she can remove my rolls of wire is to climb over my fence or tear hers down. She is away for the weekend.... should be fun when she gets home! Included a couple pix of this one.....lets see her get through there!
Put up a no-trespassing sign just for good measure and when you get pictures of them trespassing and destroying your property make sure to contact the police ASAP....

Also document all 'damage' they continue to do, with photos, police reports and keep detailed logs of your labor and out of pocket expenses for each incident's repairs... This way if you have to sue to stop them you can more easily collect payment for damages.... And don't be shy on the labor, $50/hr or even $75/hr is not outside the scope of what 'emergency repairs' cost if you were forced ot contract the repairs out...
Is it to much trouble to put a pillow over her face while she sleeps?

I'm kidding but seriously that lady is pure evil...

I have no use for people who hate chickens. They are not only the most useful animal, they are the most lovable. I've had chickens for over 25 years. I known people who don't like them and they are evil as well as stupid and shallow.

How could anyone not love a Silkie or a Cochin???
SitcomGirl, you are in my prayers! It would be something if she did climb over to tear out the fencing you put up, AND GOT TANGLED UP IN IT, AND COULD NOT GET OUT! Then you could take a picture of her trespassing on your property, call the police and have her arrested for trespassing!
WOW I just read the ENTIRE thread.
There is just no hope for some people.

Yikes! The only issue so far with our chickens is that our neighbour's duck keeps running away from their home and crossing a field to try and live with our chickens because he is all alone at their place since his mate died.
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