Neighbor hates my chickens- will she do them harm?

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So basically a battery farm basement. Never a moment to free range, or stretch their legs.
Yes that's exactly what it sounds like. There's a big demand for fresh eggs in my area. I over heard at our local farmers market someone asked for 8 doz duck eggs. After the guy just told her he was all sold out, and after that there were still people asking for them and for chicken eggs.
Just read your story, how crazy! I grew up with rival neighbors, and neither my parents nor said neighbors acted gracefully. However, it sounds like your situation is much worse. You could always live by me :D
I have been following this thread from the beginning and I all I can do is send hugs and lots of support. Like other posters have said, Spock is not really the problem, it is just what she is focusing on at the moment. Actually, the nutty neighbor may totally forget about Spock now that she has the new fence construction to focus on. She has serious control issues and sounds like a candidate for having a personality disorder as well. Thank goodness you live on the other side of the fence, can you imagine living with her

I may have missed it earlier in the thread, but has your husband had a "man to man" talk with her husband about coming to some sort of truce? Guys tend to not get as emotional (in my experience) and your husband seems very level headed. Although I have my doubts as to how much influence the nutty neighbor's husband has on her. I have had crazy neighbors as well and I can pretty much guarantee that the complaints don't go away, they just change.

Do you have No Trespassing signs posted on your property where they are clearly visible to her? I know the police in my county can't do anything about people coming on to your property unless you have signs posted. However, you can press charges if signs are posted.

Like others have said, it is really important to keep record of everything she does that effects you. Like them cutting down the bushes in the front yard after the fence construction started. It also wouldn't hurt to find out what the criteria are for obtaining a restraining order in your state in case the situation escalates. You shouldn't have to live in fear that she is going to harm you, your animals or your property in any way.

I just feel so bad for you because I have been there...and it sucks. Thankfully I don't live next to Psycho anymore and have fabulous neighbors now. I have only had one say anything negative about my roosters crowing and I solved that by keeping the roosters in the coop until after 8:00 in the morning.

And now to what I was originally going to say, and what prompted me to respond in the first may be easier to go ahead and put some sort of year-long weed control down between the two fences now and/or lay thick plastic and gravel to minimize maintenance in the future. If weeds do grow up you do not want your neighbor spraying questionable substances onto your fence in the name of killing weeds. Plus it is difficult to operate a trimmer in such a confined area.

Best of luck to you.
YOU LIVE ON A FARM. that's crazy. if you see her doing something suspicious then i would find a quiet and relaxing place for him where she can not do harm. if she does get him to a safe place immediately.
Sigh, Crazy Lady's husband... DH has talked to him many times. The first contact we had with him was about 8 years ago, maybe 7 months after we moved in. He banged on our door at 8:30 (maybe later) at night and screamed at DH when he opened the door.... swearing..." Who the * do you people think you are?" This was because the guy we hired to work on our pasture was still running the bobcat. We couldn't hear it in the house... who knew? Sorry???? Turns out the guy (a neighbor) we hired had a history with Crazy Lady. They grew up down the road from each other and she believed that he was the one who stole her bike when she was in grade school. What are the chances? Later on... during the 3 year period where we were "friendly" with Crazy Lady and her husband she blamed his bad behavior that night on prescription drugs he was taking for a shoulder injury. The majority of the time I have talked to him in the evening he is half in the bag...I think that's how he deals with the situation. He didn't use to drink that much... it seems to have gotten worse over the years.

The house on the other side of us is in foreclosure. The last conversation I had with Crazy Lady's husband was when I found him removing a ladder from the garage of the foreclosure house a year ago. When I asked him what he was doing, he invited me to take something as well. I told him it wasn't my stuff and I didn't want it. He told me that he had permission to take it of course. The owners of the house had texted his daughter and asked him to bring the ladder to them... they moved like 75 miles away. Really? I just shook my head and walked away.
She has remained mad at a guy for suspecting him for stealing a bike whilst in grade school?! Good God it starts from the beginning of life. 8:30 isn't even that late...9 or 10 I can understand..Depending on where you live there are rules on that...but in the country? Some people never grow.:(
I have been following this thread from the beginning and I all I can do is send hugs and lots of support. Like other posters have said, Spock is not really the problem, it is just what she is focusing on at the moment. Actually, the nutty neighbor may totally forget about Spock now that she has the new fence construction to focus on. She has serious control issues and sounds like a candidate for having a personality disorder as well. Thank goodness you live on the other side of the fence, can you imagine living with her

I may have missed it earlier in the thread, but has your husband had a "man to man" talk with her husband about coming to some sort of truce? Guys tend to not get as emotional (in my experience) and your husband seems very level headed. Although I have my doubts as to how much influence the nutty neighbor's husband has on her. I have had crazy neighbors as well and I can pretty much guarantee that the complaints don't go away, they just change.

Do you have No Trespassing signs posted on your property where they are clearly visible to her? I know the police in my county can't do anything about people coming on to your property unless you have signs posted. However, you can press charges if signs are posted.

Like others have said, it is really important to keep record of everything she does that effects you. Like them cutting down the bushes in the front yard after the fence construction started. It also wouldn't hurt to find out what the criteria are for obtaining a restraining order in your state in case the situation escalates. You shouldn't have to live in fear that she is going to harm you, your animals or your property in any way.

I just feel so bad for you because I have been there...and it sucks. Thankfully I don't live next to Psycho anymore and have fabulous neighbors now. I have only had one say anything negative about my roosters crowing and I solved that by keeping the roosters in the coop until after 8:00 in the morning.

And now to what I was originally going to say, and what prompted me to respond in the first may be easier to go ahead and put some sort of year-long weed control down between the two fences now and/or lay thick plastic and gravel to minimize maintenance in the future. If weeds do grow up you do not want your neighbor spraying questionable substances onto your fence in the name of killing weeds. Plus it is difficult to operate a trimmer in such a confined area.

Best of luck to you.
Absolutely, positively put up "NO TRESPASSING" and "PRIVATE PROPERTY- KEEP OUT" signs in prominent places along your property fences. If Crazy Lady then accesses your property, you have legal recourse. I, too have followed this thread since reading the first pages. If the husband is a drinker, is she also into alcohol? That could explain the irrational behavior and paranoia and vindictiveness. Or, she is just a rotten skank. :) I had a controlling neighbor years and years ago who finally "took me on" on a major PMS day. Big mistake on her part because when I finished telling her exactly what I thought of her and where the bear did it's business, complete with expletives including the "f" bomb, she NEVER spoke to me again. It was great! LOL
My kids used to tell their friends that their mom was really cool, but don't EVER make her mad.
I think the most frustrating part of this whole ordeal, is Crazy Lady doesn't want things to be fixed. I mean, a fence could help with the noise. An 8 ft fence would have helped more. But she just wants to control you and what you do. It's not about the rooster. Maybe it was originally, but at this point, I really don't think it is.
I think the most frustrating part of this whole ordeal, is Crazy Lady doesn't want things to be fixed. I mean, a fence could help with the noise. An 8 ft fence would have helped more. But she just wants to control you and what you do. It's not about the rooster. Maybe it was originally, but at this point, I really don't think it is.
i agree this has gone on way too long and the rooster is probably something she wants to hold against you, or just to have something to complain about you with.
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