Neighbor hates my chickens- will she do them harm?

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What you should do is get an alpaca and when crazy lady comes towards your gate it will spit on her face lol also that crazy B needs to be in a retirement home.
What you should do is get an alpaca and when crazy lady comes towards your gate it will spit on her face lol also that crazy B needs to be in a retirement home.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
emus or ostriches are fantastic perimeter patrol.

edited to add: has anyone called social services? She clearly is a danger to herself and others, her disabled brother may be neglected or endangered as well.
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I agree that you need to be careful. I also agree that it sounds like she is trying to lure your birds to her side. Perhaps if just to call the authorities once they are there. What was she doing to annoy you prior to the altercation? I would let the sheriff know that you are worried and that way if something happens you can have it recorded. Also record all strange activity. If you live on 26 acres could you move their coop? Maybe she thinks it was rude to put the coop so close to her house when you have all that land and she thinks it was done on purpose. Just be careful

Record and date everything- a lawyer once told me- "if you don't write it down- it never happened"
If everyone making suggestions of gratuitous violence has actually read the all OP's posts, you'd realize they have the situation well in hand and are dealing with it using all possible grace and common sense.

The suggestion of notifying social services is an interesting one, but I would think the with all the other authorities involved that would have been considered....but maybe not.

This difficult situation will only have a long, slow, tortuous to live thru solution.
If everyone making suggestions of gratuitous violence has actually read the all OP's posts, you'd realize they have the situation well in hand and are dealing with it using all possible grace and common sense.

The suggestion of notifying social services is an interesting one, but I would think the with all the other authorities involved that would have been considered....but maybe not.

This difficult situation will only have a long, slow, tortuous to live thru solution.

Right you are aart and x2 on "they have the situation well in hand and are dealing with it using all possible grace and common sense." My haitt is off to the OP and her husband on their remarkable good sense and patience in dealing with such a difficult situation.
I was never a fight fire with fire person - mostly because I could never understand why imitating another's bad behavior is a righteous thing - it's not.
You are doing the right thing by ignoring her - she wants to get a rise, she wants to hurt you - the fence is a great way to isolate the uncomfortable staring - it's legal and it looks nice.
Pray for them - I know it's hard.

We had next-door neighbors that owned vicious dogs that would come into our yard and terrorize my kids as well as anyone who walked down the street - especially children - biting one child eventually. They lived on a hill - the wife admitted to looking down at out yard and watching everything we do - it was kind of creepy.
They could see nothing wrong with their behavior, refused to do anything about it, mocked and made fun of anyone who tried to get them to do the right thing - and they had little kids too.
The wife's mother and grandmother lived across the street but obviously had no influence over her - the couple both went to and graduated from Bob Jones University - you would never know it.
It was a nice neighborhood with large acreage lots - people were getting tired of the attacks and other HOA violations. Both she and her mother were on the HOA board.

I tried to reason with them on a Biblical level - that's who we are and how we live - to no avail - so we moved (not just because of that but it did catalyze our decision). The wife of the couple who bought our home said she never puts up with a neighbor's pets - if a nuisance she would kill it - that was said without any info from us.

We heard they (the unkind neighbors) went bankrupt and had to forfeit their home to the bank. They were a young family and that's sad but at least the neighborhood could rest easy.

Like I said - the fence is a fantastic idea - I bet your neighbor will get sick of yelling at the fence and getting no visible rise out of you all. She definitely needs a healthy hobby.
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I also agree that the OP has dealt with this very gracefully. I myself would have probably done something I regret by this point. I would counsel the OP to look into every legal action she can think of, social services, the AG zoning, filing harassment charges, etc. I would also advise getting a 9mm or 22 pistol as protection just in case crazy lady tries to directly injure you! Get a conceled carry license, if possible in your state and have it on you, concealed anytime you are outside. Do not advertise the fact you have it though, I think the crazy lady would escalate the situation much faster and further if she knew you had such personal protection. Some might say advertise it to let her know, but I would disagree. The crazy lady is trying to get under your skin, getting a gun, and letting her know about it, lets her know she is doing that. So get one, and keep it concealed at all times.

A nice wonderful plant for tuning out neighbors are plants like honeysuckle, they climb up fences and provide a pleasing landscape addition and they smell great. They are spread easily, so a few carefully placed can cover a lot of ground once established. If you have room a wisteria is also great, they are invasive and need to be cut back heavily. But they are beautiful, smell heavenly, and grow huge. I have 4 wisteria and they provide a nice fragrant show every spring, shade for my chickens, ducks, and geese (who know not to eat them), and are drought tolerant.

I hope that this situation will be resolved peacefully and that you find a way to keep Spock.
Like the story above illustrates, those who constantly spew poison, hate and discontent into the environment around them will be the victims of their own methods. OP is winning this one and will come out of it having good stories to tell and lessons to others. The effort the antagonist has gone to will eventually be her downfall whether it be her health from all the stress she has put upon herself, or by the hate that blinds her will eventually lead to a misstep in judgement and undesirable (to her) consequences.
Just to illustrate my point, violent people often have very low life expectancies as in warlords, gang members and terrorists.
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While the thought of booby-traps sounds good, be very careful if you decide to do something of this sort. I've read about nails in boards to stop teens from driving through yards--the homeowner was sued and lost, the courts don't really like you taking things into your own hands (even tho they don't do anything to help you!) Instead of fish hooks, I'd hang bells or some sort of noisemaker--motion activated at waist height foghorn, something like that. You could get a jackass and let it 'talk' to its cousin across the fence....... an electric fence wire strategically placed.....You'll come up with something. This person is happiest when she's unhappy, be glad you're not her. Mental illness is very sad to see.
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