Neighbor hates my chickens- will she do them harm?

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I agree about the forsythia. No way I'd plant wisteria! Messy, tiny little bugs, sooo invasive! Whatever you plant, make sure it is easy maintenance and will act like a wall/hedge--Rose of Sharon can be trimmed easily and is pretty. I'll be praying for your meeting with the zoning man. Hopefully he had a restful and relaxing vacation. Who knows, he may have already had dealing with your neighbor and 'know' about her. Ditto the camera, cheap insurance for just in case.
Not that I ever advocate lying, but I wouldn't for one second get rid of Spock! Id say I did, and pass off the noise as the new rooster who is only 3 months. And then the new rooster after that that is only 3 months, and every 3 months forthright until they stop bugging you :) (you are allowed to have roosters under 6 months right?). To non-chicken people they all look the same anyway :cd
I wouldn't have a problem lying to your neighbor or this council who is only making you get rid of him to shut the crazy lady up. They are taking the lazy way out .They figure if your rooster is gone the crazy lady will shut up and stop complaining to them but she won't. People like her enjoy the drama and she will be on your case again as soon as you get your goats. I have two pygmy goats and they make a lot more noise than a rooster does, wonderful beautiful noise that they are meant to make I might add.
As far as your Spock goes keep him, they are not smart enough to identify him and you said he is quiet when the council tour came through so I doubt he would give himself away if the council came looking for him. I would go to a farm that sells fresh butchered chicken and buy one then put it in your freezer, duct tape Spocks name on it with the date. Let the council come to you, don't push for a meeting and tell them you had him butchered because no one wanted him and you cannot afford to pay their fine. Show them the carcass and put on your best peeling onions face, if they say that the crazy lady is still complaining about the crowing say you don't know what she is talking about. As far as her new metal post in the ground I'd go out, pull it out of the ground and make it disappear. She is obviously still peeking around the fence at you, I would put up a sign to 'smile you are on camera' and face it at the end of the fence so if she peeks around she will see it. If you don't want the expense of the camera get a block of wood, screw a plastic water bottle cap on the end and spray paint it black and add some wires to it, from a distance it will look like a real camera. You have put up with way too much BS already I feel for you! I wish you the best you deserve peace and quiet. Oh and if you can still see her shining yard lights directed at you put up a mirror and reflect the light back on her house!
You have put up with way too much BS already I feel for you! I wish you the best you deserve peace and quiet. Oh and if you can still see her shining yard lights directed at you put up a mirror and reflect the light back on her house!
What a perfect solution to those lights! You get a star on your forehead for that suggestion!
:) Fake freezer Spock... that's horrible and ridiculously funny at the same time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No call today from the Zoning Officer. Looks like there won't be a meeting tomorrow unless they call DH! He certainly isn't going to call them!
:) Fake freezer Spock... that's horrible and ridiculously funny at the same time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No call today from the Zoning Officer. Looks like there won't be a meeting tomorrow unless they call DH! He certainly isn't going to call them!

Agree. They honestly don't have a turkey leg to stand on. neighbor will not stop calling them. She will simply find something else to complain about.
This is horrible
Let's hope Crazy Lady never crosses that line!!!!!

No call from the Zoning Officer today! And I doubt there will be. They will do nothing until she complains again. Before the people in the foreclosure on the other side of us moved out, they filled their entire three car "garage" with garbage every year. The "garage" was really a shed with no doors. The garbage spilled out onto our property and the street. The odor of skunk filled every summer night... the garage was skunk central. Dirty diapers and broken bottles littered their yard. Their pool was full of water and had no cover. Every spring it filled up with frogs-hundreds of them. We complained to the town because the flies and mosquitoes were horrific. It took DH going over to the zoning office in person multiple times a week for months before the town finally "ordered" them to clean it up or face a fine.... once a year. How we suffered with the bugs and the smell and most of all dealing with the frustration of the town not helping us. So have fun Crazy Lady........ at least we had the health department on our side!
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