Neighbor hates my chickens- will she do them harm?

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seee... that's what I said! Lol
I remembered that someone had said it recently, just couldn't dredge up the who from the foggy depths of my feeble memory banks.
I just got done reading this from start to finish, what a good read it would make a great book lol. But in a serious note all I was able to do after I read it was shake my head and say to myself " What is wrong with people these days" Then I looked at my two Roos RugaRoo a SLW
and Brave a BR
and said I hope ya'll keep it down when you get old enough to crow because I dont think I could be as nice as these fine people here are, but I ya'll are loud I know ill never give you up they would have to pull them out of my cold dead hands first, I live my chickens to much and im really happy you are fighting to keeo Spock he is a awesome Roo and has a awesome mama and pa. On a a different subject my GSP was sprayed by a skunk in Idaho when I was pheasant hunting and oh my lord did he stink lol, I rode with my windows down for 1100 miles back to Arizona.
I just got done reading this from start to finish, what a good read it would make a great book lol. But in a serious note all I was able to do after I read it was shake my head and say to myself " What is wrong with people these days" Then I looked at my two Roos RugaRoo a SLW
and Brave a BR
and said I hope ya'll keep it down when you get old enough to crow because I dont think I could be as nice as these fine people here are, but I ya'll are loud I know ill never give you up they would have to pull them out of my cold dead hands first, I live my chickens to much and im really happy you are fighting to keeo Spock he is a awesome Roo and has a awesome mama and pa. On a a different subject my GSP was sprayed by a skunk in Idaho when I was pheasant hunting and oh my lord did he stink lol, I rode with my windows down for 1100 miles back to Arizona.
Braaaave!!!! My favorite little BYC roo!!!
I love our new fence! What a difference it has made in my life not to see Crazy Lady staring at me all the time. :) I don't know if she is plotting anything but I do know that we have not heard one more peep from the town about Spock! And he is not wearing his collar either!

Last week DH, the dogs and I went on our yearly vacation. 5 days... the beach, no Crazy Lady and no farm chores. A friend stays at our house to take care of all the animals so we don't have to worry. I was really looking forward to going because this summer has been very depressing. I really missed my dad. I have his and my mom's obituary cards in my nightstand drawer-each with the tiny picture I picked out. :( And every night I look at the pictures, say goodnight to my parents and tell them how much I miss them. And every night I go to sleep sad. So I decided that I was not taking the obituary cards with me on vacation... and I didn't. And it was OK. I was OK. And when I got home I took the cards out of my nightstand and put them in my desk. It was as if a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. It is OK for me to smile... to sometimes go to bed happy instead of sad. One day at a time... and today was a good day.

Spock is molting... so he looks a little rough! But he felt good enough this morning to chase Warren Harding around the yard! Spock is going to be the boss! Warren Harding has not uttered one single crow since I heard him try a while back. He is almost 5 months old now and GORGEOUS! Very hard to get his picture because he runs away from me in terror if I get close to him???? He is quite wimpy... which is fine with me! He has however decided to pick up a job that Spock neglects. Spock is just about the first chicken in the coop at night. Sometimes he crows to tell his hens to come in, usually he just goes to bed. I guess the pressure of keeping 29 hens safe makes for one tired little rooster! Tonight when I went to lock my babies in I noticed that Warren Harding was still outside making cute little noises. Then I guest he was satisfied that all the hens were in so he hopped up the ramp and into the coop. :) Looks like maybe Spock and Warren Harding might end up being a team!

Spock...molting...not quite his beautiful self!

Warren Harding... with a few of his girls. :) Got my first egg from the new peeps today. A green one!

Glad to hear the fence has improved things and that you got some time away....
.......not sure how long it's been with your parents, but daily active mourning can go on too long to where it impedes healing.
You know, the tackiest thing to say would be "I told ya so" but, well, um, I told ya so!
I said this would end, and when it did then you should go out for a nice dinner! You did one better and took a lovely vacation. I'm so proud of you and you husband for standing up for yourselves and for always taking the high road in this mess.
I used to come to this thread hoping to read this very post from you, TheSitcomGirls! I am so happy things are finally working out. May happiness and peace of mind be a constant in your life from now on.
Oh, why won't she just go away! A few days ago the cackling and laughing started. And of course the banging she has been doing on her side of the fence every time I am taking care of the chickens has been going on for a week. She decided to landscape the entire length of her fence and she is digging holes constantly. Last night I heard a lot of noise down by the end of the fence WAY far away from the chickens. This AM there was a ladder and they had put up a PVC pipe structure with a tarp tied to it.... doesn't look like she has quite finished. It's possible that she is trying to hide from my game cam. I put it there to make sure no one came over the fence. So far all I've taken pictures of are a squirrel running back and forth along the top of the fence with his hickory nuts. The pix are still downloading-all 2300 of them! DH said that until the noise from tarp in the wind becomes a problem that we should leave it alone. What I really want to do is send a picture to both those zoning board members who didn't vote for our eight foot fence because it wouldn't "solve the problem". Her tarp structure has got to be 9 feet high! :(

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