Neighbor hates my chickens- will she do them harm?

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Oh, why won't she just go away! A few days ago the cackling and laughing started. And of course the banging she has been doing on her side of the fence every time I am taking care of the chickens has been going on for a week. She decided to landscape the entire length of her fence and she is digging holes constantly. Last night I heard a lot of noise down by the end of the fence WAY far away from the chickens. This AM there was a ladder and they had put up a PVC pipe structure with a tarp tied to it.... doesn't look like she has quite finished. It's possible that she is trying to hide from my game cam. I put it there to make sure no one came over the fence. So far all I've taken pictures of are a squirrel running back and forth along the top of the fence with his hickory nuts. The pix are still downloading-all 2300 of them! DH said that until the noise from tarp in the wind becomes a problem that we should leave it alone. What I really want to do is send a picture to both those zoning board members who didn't vote for our eight foot fence because it wouldn't "solve the problem". Her tarp structure has got to be 9 feet high! :( .
That is exactly what you should do....send that picture and a formal complaint to the zoning board. If an 8 foot fence was unacceptable for you to have when you were going about things the correct way, then a 9 foot spite fence (the tarp on the poles) with no hearing is a definate violation of the Planning and Development code. Tell them that you didn't want to put them in the position of asking them to mediate in a neighbor dispute, but her actions and their inactions were the direct cause of the new escalation. Go for it!! I sure would, and if someone came to us on the council we wouldn't sweep it under the rug hoping it would all go away, either!
That tarp "fence" is so funny--it's exactly what the marijuana growers around here do
. The build a six foot fence, cause that's as tall as a permanent structure can be, then they go around and add extensions to the posts and run a tarp another 2-3 feet. I think it's funny, it's just advertising what they're growing. Maybe your Crazy Lady is growing her own chill pills..err, smokes?
What a thread! I never knew anyone could be so nasty! Crazy lady has a lot of issues. Hoping you get to keep Spock and that there will be no further issues. Your handling of everything is awesome. Loved all the suggestions! We just got our first flock - 20 and one is a Roo. Not old enough to crow but will happen and hope no one here complains. God bless!
I hope that one day your neighbor figures out how to relax and stop being such a pain. I did have to laugh at some of her antics though since she sounds just like my grandmother. Oh the stories I could tell. :D
That tarp "fence" is so funny--it's exactly what the marijuana growers around here do
. The build a six foot fence, cause that's as tall as a permanent structure can be, then they go around and add extensions to the posts and run a tarp another 2-3 feet. I think it's funny, it's just advertising what they're growing. Maybe your Crazy Lady is growing her own chill pills..err, smokes?
Crazy Lady has taken down the part of her wood fence next to our chickens. I guess the noise from Spock wasn't that bad was it? Then in it's place she has put a white vinyl fence but left open an 8 foot section so she has access to walk behind our fence again next to our chickens. The section she left open is right next to our chickens. At least there are still two fences between her and my chickens. I think I am going to mount my game cam on top of the horse trailer. That will give me a good view of that section of fence. DH is also going to block off both sides of the opening so she won't be able to get any further. At least it's something. Below you can see the white posts from her new fence sticking up.

Crazy Lady has taken down the part of her wood fence next to our chickens. I guess the noise from Spock wasn't that bad was it? Then in it's place she has put a white vinyl fence but left open an 8 foot section so she has access to walk behind our fence again next to our chickens. The section she left open is right next to our chickens. At least there are still two fences between her and my chickens. I think I am going to mount my game cam on top of the horse trailer. That will give me a good view of that section of fence. DH is also going to block off both sides of the opening so she won't be able to get any further. At least it's something. Below you can see the white posts from her new fence sticking up.

And her idiot husband is going along with all this baloney??? Your other fence is wire, correct? I would think, at this stage of the "game", an electrified fence is needed to protect your chickens and other livestock from all "predators". Have to have a sign posted, warning of an electric fence, but you are certainly within your rights to predator-proof your property. Please keep us updated and we will all be rooting for you to shut the lunatic down soon.
And her idiot husband is going along with all this baloney???

I went back and reread some of this and I saw where the OP mentioned that the husband has increased his drinking over the past few years. After all that the crazy lady has done it's no wonder her husband is self medicating with alcohol. I can't imagine what he must think about all this nonsense of manipulation, stalking, lying, using the "challenged" brother as an excuse to be a nuisance, attempting to get the other neighbors involved, put-the-fence-up-take-the-fence-down-move-the-fence antics, cutting surveyors lines, harassing the fencing crew, making him stop plowing the 80 year old widows road because she is friends with the OP, blaming the none existent in-flux of predators on the OPs fence, the loud music, cutting their own shrubbery to prove a "point", moving surveyors stakes and being a general pain in the rear......

I'd be a raging alcoholic if I was married to that.
I'd be a raging alcoholic if I was married to that.

I would be divorced.

I had really hoped she would just let what happens on your side of the fence be your business and keep what happens on her own side of the fence be her business.
I put up a privacy fence because of a new and quite nosy neighbor myself. Did not work to cure that either. But mine is not nearly as obnoxious as yours. I am able to ignore most of her issues. Mine is a dog hater and oh my she should have looked through all the chain link fences before she bought that house. Everyone in my NON HOA neighborhood has at least 3 dogs per house. (She waited until I went to the store to leave a 2 page note taped to my door. I went over to discuss the issue and got .... "So am I supposed to sleep through dogs barking?" and my response...... "UM yes. Unless you want to tick off every single person in the neighborhood.") It was the middle of the day for crying out loud.
Some people.

Side note mine only bark at foxes or trespassers.

Hugs for Spock and best wishes that she decides to sell the house.
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