Neighbor hates my chickens- will she do them harm?

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:) The goats came out of their house today! So interesting watching them decide what to be afraid of now that they have had 24 hours to take it all in! At first the face below struck terror in their heart. A toothy smile from a 7 month old puppy with unknown intentions was definitely something to fear! Just a glimpse of Mimi's golden coat sent them fleeing to the back corner of their house.

Then at some point they decided that when the dogs bark nothing bad happens. Silly dogs barking at nothing... we don't care about that! "Ruff, ruff, ruff". And they don't even look up from their hay.

Coming back from the horse barn I discovered that the babies were all in their yard. Hope was standing on top of her log watching us, her little goat neck stretched up so she could see as far as possible. Mimi spotted her too. She bounded up the hill actually looking very much like a goat herself. The goats must have thought so too because they didn't run away. They watched until the silly puppy's run stopped short at their fence, then they bounced into their house. Still peeking out the door was little Tok. He was so curious about the very scary dog who maybe wanted to play!

Cute goats, nice facility for them.

Does your neighbor like goats better than roosters I hope?

I assume you have fully researched the legality of goats on your property.
:) Yesterday was a good day!

Yes, all animals are legal on our farm... except of course roosters over six months of age! The goat barn just needed to be 100' from Crazy Lady's house. So we made sure of that when we put it up! If we decide one day to have pigs then their house would have to be 200 feet from Crazy Lady's house. I'm not sure if she likes goats. I'm going to go out on a limb and say no.

Heard the rooster duet again this AM..... their voices are so different it's beautiful. :) At least it is to me!
:) Yesterday was a good day!

Yes, all animals are legal on our farm... except of course roosters over six months of age! The goat barn just needed to be 100' from Crazy Lady's house. So we made sure of that when we put it up! If we decide one day to have pigs then their house would have to be 200 feet from Crazy Lady's house. I'm not sure if she likes goats. I'm going to go out on a limb and say no.

Heard the rooster duet again this AM..... their voices are so different it's beautiful. :) At least it is to me!

Just replying so I get subscribed to the thread! Hope she never troubles you again, if she does invite her to live next to me, I love putting her in her place!:p
That was a good story, makes glad I don't have a neighbor like that!

Here is a similar sign to one posted awhile back ...

Glad you still got both of your roosters!
Nothing like the sight of the new birdfeeder Crazy Lady installed to put a damper on my mood. It appears to be about 8 feet off the ground and of course right next to my chicken pen towering over the top of the fence. I'd like to see her fill that every day without a ladder! But aside from the new feeder today was a fun day. The little ones met our 2 horses for the first time. I believe the goats knew the horses were there but hid every time they got too close. But today they just weren't quick enough! My chestnut horse Princess Grace is looney tunes. If anything changes in her pasture world she flips out. And in the process of going nuts she also may lose a shoe or a good piece of hide on her face when she smashes into something. She is actually a very gentle and sweet horse when she is of her right mind. She is perfect with the dogs and little kids. But if she is stuck on crazy, watch out!

Today she spotted the baby goats. Without a doubt they were terrifying little demons sent here to capture her. She snorted, pranced, bolted and then kicked the fence just to make her point. Her ears flat back to her head she attacked her friend Jester. How dare he try to get closer for a better look? She bit him in the shoulder and threw a kick at his wide hind end. And the little goats just froze. I assume they were too terrified to move. Then Princess Grace galloped off, kicking up clods of dirt that flew through the air and smacked the side of the barn. She disappeared from view in seconds with her chubby friend running obediently behind. The baby goats took a breath. "I can't believe we're still alive!" Then all at once they dashed into their house-their little hooves clattering on their wooden shelf as they leaped up high. Many times the rest of the day I saw a little goat head peek out of the door, look around and then quickly duck back inside. It's a scary world out there!

Ha ha! Horses are fearful of anything new - those baby goats are fire breathing dragons! Don't you know that? Mine are the same way - but they get along well with my chickens. The chickens go over and pick at the feed they drop while they are eating. The horses actually allow cow birds to land on their backs and rumps as well - helps with the fly control, I guess.
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