Neighbor hates my chickens- will she do them harm?

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Crazy Lady wanted to make sure that her sign was seen by all. Looks like she actually had a nice, bright one made. However, it is blocked by the snow bank. I still read the sign and don't see how a normal person would get it. The words bring a picture to my mind of a blindfolded person being walked around her front yard.


Although the chicken coop game cam has picked up nothing but chickens, we have a critter who got in. Is it a rat? I think so. A small one. The dogs have been hitting on the back door of the coop for a couple of days now from the inside. There was a very small crack about 4 inches off of the floor between where the door closes and the jam. That's the same place the tracks have led every night from the outside. I could also see chew marks of something trying to make the crack bigger. Then this AM there was a chewed hole about an inch in diameter in the plywood that covers up the door we no longer use. It was chewed from the inside.

DH covered up the hole in the plywood door with hardware cloth and emptied a half a can of spray foam into the cavity. He was surprised at how big the space was. Probably a good place for a small rat to call home. So now anything hiding in there has been entombed! Then DH put a piece of molding on the door jam of the back door. Nothing can squeak through that crack anymore. Tonight I will reposition my game cam closer to floor to make sure!
Looks like a little rat to me! I sure do love my dogs. The puppy went crazy in the coop behind the nest boxes this AM. She knew there was something there. Lyla who has done this rat thing before, sniffed where the puppy was sniffing and then smartly led me to a freshly dug out crack in the stone right at floor level. I took the plastic end of my bottle brush and stuck it in as far as I could and heard, "Squeak, squeak!!" Lyla had found the little guy. DH jammed hardware cloth inside the crack. So we have entombed another one! I have a feeling spring is going to be a stinky place around here!

Here he is...a little rat I think....or a really big mouse! He's on top of the tall cinderblock.

Sight view blocked.

Which i think she means 'line of sight', shrubs, snow..whatever is blocking her view getting out of her drive.

Why that becomes a handicap resident issue, or people driving down the road problem, no idea.

Sign is too small to read by passing motorists anyway.
Sitcom, why are you trapping rats that way? Use a proper rat trap somewhere where the dogs and birds won't get but and get the rats that way. Then you can throw them out or do what I do and let the dogs have a treat.
Okay, I get why your neighbor hates Spock, I think it is fair for her to scream, and unfair too. Why does she live in a country side anyway if she hates hearing Spock or something? Your neighbors don't care about it anyway. But, I think it is totally wrong to put ropes and bird feed everywhere, she is trying to take Spock away from you, it's totally wrong. I don't know if this idea sounds good or bad, but maybe you should call the cops? It depends on the situation, they might take Spock away due to angry neighbors who don't feel comfortable about the noise level. This may also sound like a bad idea, but maybe you should introduce Spock to her a little so she can like him more? I really don't know, but I just wanted to reply :p all boils down to live and let live...loosing parents isn't bad enough? Have some compassion ...Spock brings joy...he crows that's what roos do but to be rude about it...well that's just not very country of sour Ole neighbor better just get over it and adjust...that's life....wonder how you'd feel if someone told
you to get rid of your beloved

Amen tater! People need to get it through their thick skulls that moving out to the county for peace and quiet is a ridiculous and redundant idea! Country is where farms are, farms are noisy and stinky, that's why city slickers made city limits. They can crawl back into the city and suck a lemon. The country side is OURS!
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Okay, I get why your neighbor hates Spock, I think it is fair for her to scream, and unfair too. Why does she live in a country side anyway if she hates hearing Spock or something? Your neighbors don't care about it anyway. But, I think it is totally wrong to put ropes and bird feed everywhere, she is trying to take Spock away from you, it's totally wrong. I don't know if this idea sounds good or bad, but maybe you should call the cops? It depends on the situation, they might take Spock away due to angry neighbors who don't feel comfortable about the noise level. This may also sound like a bad idea, but maybe you should introduce Spock to her a little so she can like him more? I really don't know, but I just wanted to reply :p
@Cutepal Might want to read the whole thread.....the authorities were involved and the situation was partially resolved.
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