Neighbor hates my chickens- will she do them harm?

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Yes, because throughout history, appeasement has always worked out sooo well. :rolleyes:

I think it would be wise to find your roosters a new home. Then if this obviously deranged person continues to harass you, you should call the law. It might  be dangerous to live beside such a person.
This is not a war, and I am not Neville Chamberlain. Roosters tend to cause problems with neighbors, is all I'm saying. Enough said; no need to send me any more messages. I will not respond.
To each their own. But it is still a matter of principle and a matter of scale. Countries or people, doesn't change anything.

If you move to the country, especially next to a farm, and then want to grumble about the noises, smells, and sights... I have zero sympathy for such people.
Okay so you put the camera up, your building a fence and she is aware of the fond memory you shared with your dad regarding Spock. Now build the fence as fast as you can and clip one wing on each bird (unless they are heavy breeds) and they will never fly over it. Since you know the lights are breaking the law it might be a tool to use later.
Do not show your cards unless it gets really nasty. If it does then call and report her for the lights violation. But only do it as a last resort-you don't want to give up your playing card unless you have to.

LOL it would be great if every time you saw her you waved really frantically and screamed HI! She would look stupid if she got mean and it puts her on the spot. Plus you get the pleasure of making her annoyed without her being able to say you are purposely annoying her! Her husband and every one else will think she has gone nuts for getting so upset! Just make sure you do it with a huge grin on your face! mwuahahahaha!
I have read the whole thread. While I absolutely do not condone what the crazy neighbor is doing, roosters can be quite annoying to nearby neighbors. For that reason, many municipalities allow only hens, which is what I have. I just think that removing the source of contention might solve the problem, which seems to be escalating.
You can't rationalize your way out of crazy. Getting rid of the rooster at this point is just going to convince her that everything she's done has been worth it.
Well, here we go again. This time because we admitted that we had a rooster the zoning officer said he has no choice but to enforce the rooster regulation. Not sure when the meeting will be scheduled for us to appeal the cease and desist letter but it will again be before the same Zoning Board of Appeals that denied our 8 foot fence. I want to fill the room. This time we will have stack of letters from people who support us and I will have a prepared statement that will rock the house. I don’t know if it will matter. I wish we could skip the Zoning Board of Appeals and go straight to court where we will probably have a better chance. But, while depressed at first…as always writing has helped me. Below is a paragraph to be nestled somewhere right at the beginning of my statement. Although DH will probably ask me to take out the last sentence! And thank you so much…for all the ideas!

“Despite everything she did to me, to us, I never did anything as retribution. I never got a flock of guinea hens or a donkey. I didn’t put up a peacock flight cage, even though I’ve always wanted peacocks. Both of these birds are far noisier than a rooster. Nor did I dig a shallow farm pond for my flocks of ducks and geese next to her side yard. I’ve always wanted a flock of ducks and geese. I didn’t put a manure pile exactly 100 ft from her house or decide to raise pigs and pasture them next to her pool. I didn’t put up a giant hoop greenhouse next to her front yard and hire multiple employees to sell our farm products 50 feet from her driveway. All of these activities are well within my right to use my farm the way it was zoned. All I have done is on 26 acres of land keep two horses, four mini goats and a flock of chickens with a couple of roosters that say, “Cock a doodle Doo” a half a dozen times a day. I think maybe it’s time to for me to get all the animals that I’ve wanted to keep since I was a little girl.”
Sounds like a great plan to me! If you end up taking this all the way, and lose, I'd do exactly what you described here. I don't think it will come to that, though. I'd find a temporary home for Spock and Warren G. Harding. In a month or two, bring them back and see if she even notices. Barring that, maybe moving the coop and area that the chickens use away from her area would keep her from seeing what you've got. My prayers are with you!
Well, here we go again. This time because we admitted that we had a rooster the zoning officer said he has no choice but to enforce the rooster regulation. Not sure when the meeting will be scheduled for us to appeal the cease and desist letter but it will again be before the same Zoning Board of Appeals that denied our 8 foot fence. I want to fill the room. This time we will have stack of letters from people who support us and I will have a prepared statement that will rock the house. I don’t know if it will matter. I wish we could skip the Zoning Board of Appeals and go straight to court where we will probably have a better chance. But, while depressed at first…as always writing has helped me. Below is a paragraph to be nestled somewhere right at the beginning of my statement. Although DH will probably ask me to take out the last sentence! And thank you so much…for all the ideas!

“Despite everything she did to me, to us, I never did anything as retribution. I never got a flock of guinea hens or a donkey. I didn’t put up a peacock flight cage, even though I’ve always wanted peacocks. Both of these birds are far noisier than a rooster. Nor did I dig a shallow farm pond for my flocks of ducks and geese next to her side yard. I’ve always wanted a flock of ducks and geese. I didn’t put a manure pile exactly 100 ft from her house or decide to raise pigs and pasture them next to her pool. I didn’t put up a giant hoop greenhouse next to her front yard and hire multiple employees to sell our farm products 50 feet from her driveway. All of these activities are well within my right to use my farm the way it was zoned. All I have done is on 26 acres of land keep two horses, four mini goats and a flock of chickens with a couple of roosters that say, “Cock a doodle Doo” a half a dozen times a day. I think maybe it’s time to for me to get all the animals that I’ve wanted to keep since I was a little girl.”
Ohhh, I thought they knew before?
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