Neighbor hates my chickens- will she do them harm?

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:) And I forgot one of the most important things!! DH also asked the zoning official, "If you can't hear the in if we stop the noise but he's still here, is that something that the town can live with?" Then DH told the Head Zoning Officer about the special anti-crow collars I had ordered from MyPetChicken that would keep Spock and Warren from extending their necks and crowing. He frowned and said, "That seems cruel." I agree...Spock's voice is meant to be heard.
The peeps are here, the peeps are here! Only hens ordered of course...but too soon to tell. It really does feel like Spring now. Puppy Mimi has Lyme disease. It was inevitable. My other dogs have had it, DH has had it and I have had it 3 times....if you believe in Chronic Lyme. Some people do, some people don't. The 1st time I had it, no one realized I had Lyme and I was never treated. The second time I was treated too late and ended up being sick for two years. So this time when the puppy got sick and I felt sick too I went and got some Doxycycline right away....the terrible-miracle antibiotic. A miracle because it kills the awful bugs, but terrible because of the side effects.

I think the very last time I made a real effort with Crazy Lady was in 2010. I was still sick with Lyme disease for the 2nd time then. I asked her if she wanted to make some trips to a few nurseries and get some plants. I asked her if we could go early because as soon as the sun came out and it heated up I would be really sick. Doxycycline = no sun. She said she just couldn't go out before 10:00 am. She needed her rest. I still sucked it up and went. I still tried.

By the time we got to the third place it was noon and the sun was baking down. I was dizzy and I was done. I told her that I had to go, I was too sick. She told me she would be ready soon, why didn't I just go wait in the car? And that was it for me. I never tried to be nice to her again. It was cruel. Just like installing the lights on her house to blind me when I walked outside. She knew that the light hurt my eyes. She is evil.

But true to my nature recently in the back of my mind has been that nagging question, "What if she really is dying? What if she really is so sick with cancer that she is suffering horribly?" I think that feeling was what made me want to put the collars on Spock and Warren. Then on Saturday I saw her.

I went upstairs in the garage to get the supplies for the peeps and when I walked by the window there she was. She was standing in the middle of her driveway staring up at MY garage window. She looked fine to me, smoking a cigarette and watching her husband load a bunch of stuff into the back of their truck. SHE LOOKED FINE. She didn't look like she was dying as she puffed away. SHE LOOKED FINE! So for now....I am going to to let those sympathetic feelings go! The bees they are coming!

And here's the peeps! Mimi loves her peeps and seems to remember all the work I did with her last year as a puppy....kitty MeMew is not allowed so close!

What a cute picture! Mimi reminds me of the first Golden I owned. She's been dead several years now, and I've had a few other since then. Great dogs!
I am sorry you're going through this if people move out to the country whether they want to farm or not they need to understand that there are farmers and there are roosters and yes there are far worse annoying animals then chickens and roostersas a Christian I want to tell you to turn the other cheek as a human being make her life miserable as much as you possibly can and I say bye three more of spok.
Please just ignore this person. She knows you are nice and takes advantage of it at every turn. If she discovers you don't like something or it's bad for your health, she will go overboard doing it. So just drop her like a bad habit. Let her aggravate someone else for a change.
I just read 88 pages covering at least two years and
is all I have to say.

I had a crazy lady that I shared a property line with.... We called her the 5150 lady... thats the police code for crazy here in San Diego. I heard about her when I bought my land from a church. 18 + acres of heaven.... Not agricultural but zoning is for no less than ten acres.

So when I heard about my neighbor being "difficult" I made it a point to chat her up. Kind of test the grounds see if we had a common ground. Here its not wise to drive up peoples driveways without a personal invitation.... Kind of wild west back here.... LOL.

But she stopped me on the road..... "Who are you and why are you driving on my road" came the demand LOL I amiably said... "I have deeded easment access from the highway to the house... I just bought the "Set Free" place." She then said " I carry a hand gun for protection " I smiled and said "Thats nice"... she said "you cant be too careful around here"...

I took an opportunity to change the subject... "I see you have horses." She softened a little " Yeah all Cutting horses worth about ten grand a piece " "So I imagine you have had some nice rides around here I am lookign forward to when I can bring my horse up..." Common ground. She gave me the stink eye... "I dont trail ride" "Well I haven't in a very long time myself. But I do Drive so If you ever see us going down the road give me a holler and I will take you for a drive." "Hey would you like to come over for a glass of Iced tea?" I offered... thinking this Might be a bad idea.

Sure she said and she followed me home. First thing she did was barge into all my rooms... "I only have one bedroom" She pointed to the laundry room door... "Thats a bedroom I know it" 'Um no its my laundry room" Take a look. She wasnt impressed. She poked her head into my Green house room... at the time it was a full on greeen house and completely empty. But when you opened the slding glass door a blast of 140 degrees of heat blew your hair back. I then said "the room beyond is the art studio" She drank down her ice tea without ever sitting down.... of course I had no furniture at the time.... Bwhahahahah. Then she left.

I forgive you if you tick me off... I forgive you if you scare me.... If you tick me off and scare me at the same time.... I am done with you for ever. 5150 did that in about two hours.

Apparently she had called the cops on the church once a week for various offences.... and on my neighbor Tom as well. By the time I moved into the area she was one of those people who are considered nuisance callers by the police.

I had also learned that she was litigeous in nature and would sue people at the drop of a hat.... So when her "Pack" of dogs who charged my vehicle every time I went by her property got too energetic and one tried to head me off and cut infront of the car... I was doing maybe five or ten miles an hour. I hit it and killed it right there.... Poor dog it wasnt its fault... I turned around and brought it back on the hood of my car and layed it infront of the gate and left a note.

THEN I went straight to the little local police department and knocked on the door.... Took a couple of tries there are only about four sherifs on duty. He popped the door open and I smiled and introduced myself. Then I told him the situation.... As soon as I said I shared a property line with 5150 lady a look of understanding washed across the face. Then I told him about the dog and what I had accidentally done. Just incase she tries to do a number on me. He nodded and smiled and told me I did the right thing.

Not long after that she jerked a few more people around and Lost her property to someone who was much better at doing law suits than She....

What goes around... I did pray that she would find a better place to live.... elsewhere. Some place where she could be happier.

Because people like this only thrive on conflict... its a way they control their life in a manner that they understand....

I just read 88 pages covering at least two years and
is all I have to say.

I had a crazy lady that I shared a property line with.... We called her the 5150 lady... thats the police code for crazy here in San Diego. I heard about her when I bought my land from a church. 18 + acres of heaven.... Not agricultural but zoning is for no less than ten acres.

So when I heard about my neighbor being "difficult" I made it a point to chat her up. Kind of test the grounds see if we had a common ground. Here its not wise to drive up peoples driveways without a personal invitation.... Kind of wild west back here.... LOL.

But she stopped me on the road..... "Who are you and why are you driving on my road" came the demand LOL I amiably said... "I have deeded easment access from the highway to the house... I just bought the "Set Free" place." She then said " I carry a hand gun for protection " I smiled and said "Thats nice"... she said "you cant be too careful around here"...

I took an opportunity to change the subject... "I see you have horses." She softened a little " Yeah all Cutting horses worth about ten grand a piece " "So I imagine you have had some nice rides around here I am lookign forward to when I can bring my horse up..." Common ground. She gave me the stink eye... "I dont trail ride" "Well I haven't in a very long time myself. But I do Drive so If you ever see us going down the road give me a holler and I will take you for a drive." "Hey would you like to come over for a glass of Iced tea?" I offered... thinking this Might be a bad idea.

Sure she said and she followed me home. First thing she did was barge into all my rooms... "I only have one bedroom" She pointed to the laundry room door... "Thats a bedroom I know it" 'Um no its my laundry room" Take a look. She wasnt impressed. She poked her head into my Green house room... at the time it was a full on greeen house and completely empty. But when you opened the slding glass door a blast of 140 degrees of heat blew your hair back. I then said "the room beyond is the art studio" She drank down her ice tea without ever sitting down.... of course I had no furniture at the time.... Bwhahahahah. Then she left.

I forgive you if you tick me off... I forgive you if you scare me.... If you tick me off and scare me at the same time.... I am done with you for ever. 5150 did that in about two hours.

Apparently she had called the cops on the church once a week for various offences.... and on my neighbor Tom as well. By the time I moved into the area she was one of those people who are considered nuisance callers by the police.

I had also learned that she was litigeous in nature and would sue people at the drop of a hat.... So when her "Pack" of dogs who charged my vehicle every time I went by her property got too energetic and one tried to head me off and cut infront of the car... I was doing maybe five or ten miles an hour. I hit it and killed it right there.... Poor dog it wasnt its fault... I turned around and brought it back on the hood of my car and layed it infront of the gate and left a note.

THEN I went straight to the little local police department and knocked on the door.... Took a couple of tries there are only about four sherifs on duty. He popped the door open and I smiled and introduced myself. Then I told him the situation.... As soon as I said I shared a property line with 5150 lady a look of understanding washed across the face. Then I told him about the dog and what I had accidentally done. Just incase she tries to do a number on me. He nodded and smiled and told me I did the right thing.

Not long after that she jerked a few more people around and Lost her property to someone who was much better at doing law suits than She....

What goes around... I did pray that she would find a better place to live.... elsewhere. Some place where she could be happier.

Because people like this only thrive on conflict... its a way they control their life in a manner that they understand....

x2......that lady is a crack pot.
Great Idea, I'll also pray that this crazy lady finds a new wonderful place to move to where she will be happy. Then spock and warren can stay
Alice and peg are sitcom names!

Peg Bundy from married with children.

I know this way far off what you guys are talking about now but lucky is a sitcom name. Lucky Bundy from married with children, originally Buck then got reincarnated as lucky. Both where dogs :)
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