Neighbor's Chickens Trying to Join My Flock

Also does livestock qualify as "pets"?
If it's backyard chickens, I believe so. I think they count as both livestock and pets.

"Specific laws may vary based on state, but generally speaking, it's illegal to withhold food, water, shelter, veterinary care, or a clean and safe living environment from an animal under your care. All of these would be considered a form of animal abuse or, more specifically, neglect. It's also typically illegal to purposefully inflict any type of harm on an animal. This is considered physical animal abuse and is often called animal cruelty."

As of now, these people are committing a felony with animal neglect. Is there a way you could get your husband to call Animal Control? You could also talk to your other neighbors and let them know of the situation so it wouldn't be so obviously you.
If it's backyard chickens, I believe so. I think they count as both livestock and pets.

"Specific laws may vary based on state, but generally speaking, it's illegal to withhold food, water, shelter, veterinary care, or a clean and safe living environment from an animal under your care. All of these would be considered a form of animal abuse or, more specifically, neglect. It's also typically illegal to purposefully inflict any type of harm on an animal. This is considered physical animal abuse and is often called animal cruelty."

As of now, these people are committing a felony with animal neglect. Is there a way you could get your husband to call Animal Control? You could also talk to your other neighbors and let them know of the situation so it wouldn't be so obviously you.
I will talk with my husband. We have to think this through. I know they have friends in local PD, and I know my husband will be reluctant to mess up our relationship with the neighbors. But it feels wrong to ignore this. Thank you for the information. I may call to inquire if it qualifies at least, and then go from there.
I will talk with my husband. We have to think this through. I know they have friends in local PD, and I know my husband will be reluctant to mess up our relationship with the neighbors. But it feels wrong to ignore this. Thank you for the information. I may call to inquire if it qualifies at least, and then go from there.
That sounds great. Take a look at this, too:

"Any person who...deprives any animal of necessary food, drink, shelter, or emergency veterinary treatment...willfully sets on foot, instigates, engages in, or in any way furthers any act of cruelty to any animal...or causes any of the above things, or being the owner of such animal permits such acts to be done by another is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor."

Have any birds died because of their neglect?
That sounds great. Take a look at this, too:

"Any person who...deprives any animal of necessary food, drink, shelter, or emergency veterinary treatment...willfully sets on foot, instigates, engages in, or in any way furthers any act of cruelty to any animal...or causes any of the above things, or being the owner of such animal permits such acts to be done by another is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor."

Have any birds died because of their neglect?
Not yet but I worry about them today. They have some broodies in there who won't leave. That's who I'm most concerned for (but I can't go up). This is their first summer as adults and layers (were little last summer).

Called animal control. They said it can be tricky with livestock (vague rules) but if there's zero air flow that'd be an issue. They offered to check it out but after speaking with my husband I think we're going to try and keep the relationship good, despite this. He is equally upset but does not want to deal with neighbor issues, especially when we've had a good rapport for so long (there'd be no question it's us reporting it). And of course we want to buy their home should it go up so we don't want to rock the boat any further.

This is a really hard pill to swallow. I'm praying for those poor chickens. And if any of ya'all are the praying type or fingers crossed type please pray/keep your fingers crossed that they end up moving sooner than later and the chickens have a chance at a better life. I'll post any news as it comes.
Not yet but I worry about them today. They have some broodies in there who won't leave. That's who I'm most concerned for (but I can't go up). This is their first summer as adults and layers (were little last summer).

Called animal control. They said it can be tricky with livestock (vague rules) but if there's zero air flow that'd be an issue. They offered to check it out but after speaking with my husband I think we're going to try and keep the relationship good, despite this. He is equally upset but does not want to deal with neighbor issues, especially when we've had a good rapport for so long (there'd be no question it's us reporting it). And of course we want to buy their home should it go up so we don't want to rock the boat any further.

This is a really hard pill to swallow. I'm praying for those poor chickens. And if any of ya'all are the praying type or fingers crossed type please pray/keep your fingers crossed that they end up moving sooner than later and the chickens have a chance at a better life. I'll post any news as it comes.
It took a LOT of courage to call Animal Control. Great job- that couldn't have been easy.

If any of those birds die because of the neglect, they are subject to a Class 6 felony, which can include a fine of up to $2,500 with jail time of 1 to 5 years. I sincerely hope it does not come to that.

Praying for you and those sweet birds. All of y'all don't deserve this.
Thank you @BrooksHatlen and @3KillerBs for the advice. I'd first like to try and reason with them tactfully--I do believe if they truly know their hens are starving they wouldn't want that (they just are skeptical of my advice, like they were about ventilation lol). I think they believe chickens are tougher than they are--and they ARE tough, but they do need basics. When I went to close up my run I had to carry some of their chickens out, and some have really prominent keel bones :( I'm wondering if worms are also a problem.

I have been giving them some feed to supplement but we've been running through it like crazy now--they REALLY EAT. I also always leave water out. I'm not sure how my husband would feel about feeding them regularly because we may end up with all 12 of them and the turkeys down here on our much smaller property, but that's something I've been quietly thinking about. Let me know if you have any ideas on tactful breaching of the topic.

Thanks again for responding!
Is it possible to SHOW the neighbors how their chickens are aggressively eating your food? They might be more willing to believe you that their girls are really hungry.
Oh gosh. If i was in your situation i would be in the same delima. Feeling sympathy for the chickens and wanting to feed them. But also being aggravated knowing it wasn't my place/job and couldn't really afford it. Etc, etc. Not to mention the extra mess and possible contaminants and destruction their chickens could bring. I have severe anxiety and not a confrontational person. I avoid it at all costs, even if it means i suffer, lol. I can't really tell you how i would handle it. The last thing i would want to do is cause potential bad blood by saying something. A text or a letter would be the way i would eventually do. Or have my husband do the dirty work for me. He isn't scared, lol. Maybe the nicest approach is just kindy explaining the financial aspect of it. Id be more willing to explain how their chickens are eating your chickens food, and you cant really afford to feed extra. Maybe ask them if there was a way to keep them home to prevent it. Although their chickens food/water/environmental would also irritate me, im not sure if i could bring myself to tell them what theyre doing wrong and offer advice. That part would be what i would be affraid of offending them and causing issues, lol. I maybe would report it, but if i was the only neighbors, id be fearful they'd know it was me and did it behind their back. So you see, im a chicken shit in other words, lol.

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