Neighbor's dog attacking chickens.

So sorry this happened to you.
Over Christmas our one goose came to the back door screaming blue murder. Hubby went out to see 2 shepherd type dogs in our yard. (We have hens, 2 ducks, and the goose). He yelled and threw a relatively large rock, hitting one in the head as they ran off. He wanted to grab them but they were near the ducks and he had to get them away. We called the police who came out. They said they we're going to try to find the owner and that there would be legal issues/fine for them. We have heard nothing since. Neither dog had a collar or any ID. We've looked around the neighborhood but don't know where they went or whose they are. We are beyond furious. Dogs are not allowed to run around loose here. No way are we going to deal with the owners. We want this to be in the hands of law enforcement, and are happy to sign a complaint. This was horrifying and could have been much worse. Sick of darn irresponsible people who let their dogs run all over. I would suggest you call the police and let them handle it instead of interacting with a neighbor who obviously doesn't care.
My neighbor keeps about 10+ hunting hounds in kennels. Yesterday I got home to find a dead chicken next to my coup. I checked my cameras and found that the neighbor's dog escaped and killed it. I let him know, but today it escaped again. They all survived, but were much much more agitated and physically damaged than yesterday. They wouldn't come out of their hiding spots and one didn't come out until dusk. When I visited the neighbor's property, I saw they he had still done nothing to prevent the dog from escaping. It is being kept on a low deck which it can easily jump out of.

I don't want to start a neighbor war, but he has never said sorry or taken any responsibility. I was pretty close to running out with the shotgun....

Looking for advice for what to do.
This is why I keep my girls in a chicken tractor that my husband built and is virtually predator proof. We have dogs and cats that are feral as well as coyotes, raccoons and anything else you can name. We move it at least weekly and they don’t even want to come out. It is home to them. If one does accidentally get out, she is looking for a way back in. You might explore that option
Totally understand that there is only so much you can do to get bad neighbors to take responsibility's and I feel for you on that account. And it can be very frustrating. But there is only so much a rooster can do to protect his girls. The rest is up to you, sounds like you have a safe coop and run maybe free range is not an option for your birds.
Contact your game warden and or police. They will know the law. A friends' dog killed a neighbor's chicken and he had to pay replacement. Laws vary from state to state and county to county. Know yours.
This is why I keep my girls in a chicken tractor that my husband built and is virtually predator proof. We have dogs and cats that are feral as well as coyotes, raccoons and anything else you can name. We move it at least weekly and they don’t even want to come out. It is home to them. If one does accidentally get out, she is looking for a way back in. You might explore that option
Nomibird - I'm looking for a virtually predator proof chicken tractor - can you post pictures of yours please to give us all some ideas? Please !! Thanks !!!
My neighbor keeps about 10+ hunting hounds in kennels. Yesterday I got home to find a dead chicken next to my coup. I checked my cameras and found that the neighbor's dog escaped and killed it. I let him know, but today it escaped again. They all survived, but were much much more agitated and physically damaged than yesterday. They wouldn't come out of their hiding spots and one didn't come out until dusk. When I visited the neighbor's property, I saw they he had still done nothing to prevent the dog from escaping. It is being kept on a low deck which it can easily jump out of.

I don't want to start a neighbor war, but he has never said sorry or taken any responsibility. I was pretty close to running out with the shotgun....

Looking for advice for what to do.
Really unpleasant situation you have. Lots of good varying advice already given. Without knowing your area, your neighbors and the local laws it's hard to say what the right choice would be for you. I hope you find a solution that resolves the situation without causing you additional problems. I personally would have no problem shooting a raccoon, fox, possum, coyote but I would find it difficult to shoot a dog, especially a hunting dog that is just doing what it was bred for. I'd probably save that as a last resort. Chicken tractor, electric fencing, scent deterrents would work not only against any roaming dogs but other predators so imo sounds like the best long term solution to protect your flock.
Nomibird - I'm looking for a virtually predator proof chicken tractor - can you post pictures of yours please to give us all some ideas? Please !! Thanks !!!
Racoons and fox would check this out, but nothing got into it:

I went with cattle panel and tarps to save on roofing costs and weight.


I'd keep about 2' of welded wire fencing pinned down by the weight of it as an apron. I used is as an isolation coop for 2 new pullets. It has the specs for 3, but could possibly be pushed to 4 in a pinch depending on the circumstances.




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Racoons and fox would check this out, but nothing got into it:
View attachment 3373612

I went with cattle panel and tarps to save on roofing costs and weight.

View attachment 3373614

I'd keep about 2' of welded wire fencing pinned down by the weight of it as an apron. I used is as an isolation coop for 2 new pullets. It has the specs for 3, but could possibly be pushed to 4 in a pinch depending on the circumstances.

View attachment 3373617

View attachment 3373619
NICE! Thanks for the pics. Definitely add that to my ideas folder, very helpful.
Your Animal Control officer could give you an idea of your rights specific to your town. Additionally, there would be a record of your call for assistance. Wandering dogs were a problem but I never spoke to animal control. When I did finally (spoke to the officer), I was told to always report REOCCURRING wandering animals. You speak once to your neighbors, but report after that.
Otherwise there is zero financial consequenc.

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