Neighbors flock


11 Years
Jul 26, 2012
I have neighbors on both sides with flocks of chickens. I let mine out for a few hours every eveingto forage. Sometimes the neighbor chickens will end up on my property. I always worry about disease, I know the neighbors birds that end up over here are taken care of very well , should I ask him to keep his birds in his yard or do I have nothing to worry about if the 2 flocks mingle?
"Good fences make good neighbors" - Neither of you are ensuring that they are physically separated. At this point, they have already mingled so if there's any problems, it's too late to separate them for that reason.

But if you are still concerned and don't want them mixing, then a fence is your best option. It sounds as though there isn't one.
They have not yet met. His flock keeps coming further and further across my property there is 3 acres between us. I have seen them on the far edge of that 3 acres and each day its a few feet closer. I am talking to him today about keeping his were they should be, my birds only come out for a few hours and stay pretty close to the coop so they dont go into anybody elses yard. He probably doesnt realize they are coming into my yard. But I didnt know if it would be ok for them to mingle since we live so close or should I stop it all together
Personally, if they have yet to mingle I wouldn't want them to. It could cause problems besides disease.
Ok great thank you for your help

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