Neighbors gave us their chicken-but I don't know what she is!! Help!


9 Years
May 19, 2010
Franklin, TN
We have some neighbors who had a single chick a relative gave them and as it grew, they ended up housing her in a cardboard box on their front porch. When we realized they had the chicken, we offered to take her in with our flock. It took them a couple of days to decide (it was the daughter's pet and there's a language barrier) but this afternoon they brought her over.
So I have 2 questions:
Is she really a SHE?
And if so, what breed might she be?
Thanks! PS The pics were the best I could get as she was too busy running around the yard and it was hard to get good shots.

That is an interesting bird. I think she is a pullet. At first I was going to say a Cuckoo Marans cuz she looks a lot like my girls but the comb is wrong and her legs are yellow. The barring and comb are wrong for a Barred Rock. Perhaps she is a cross breed.
Forgot to mention - she's about the same size as my buff orpington & red sexlink that are about 4 months old.
I looked at pics of barred rock & dominique - she does look like both of them. Hmm....anyone else confirm either?
Could definitely be a cross breed - because of the language barrier I have absolutely no idea where the relative who gave them the hen got it. Could have been a flea market or a farm - who knows? She seems healthy and sweet so I hope my other girls don't give her a hard time.
Your girl looks a lot like my Barred Rock pullets, although the bars aren't quite as straight as the ones on mine. Perhaps, as another poster said, it could be a BR/Dominique mix. Pretty sure its a she too. She is so cute, congrats!
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