Neighbor's Hound killed our Call Duck


10 Years
Jul 14, 2009
Stark County, NE Ohio
My nieghbors found our chocolate Call Duck in their yard barely breathing. Our other neighbor's recently moved in and have two dogs they let roam free, one is a hound. He got a hold of the duck, I think he broke his neck. THe duck died about a minute after we found him, gurgling. The hound is always around, my dog has chased it out of our yard repeatedly. He has fought it when it put its hair up on its back to my son, who is autistic. My son was back feeding the ducks and tried to pet it, he didn't understand the hair standing up meant he dog was not happy, my other boy saw it and my lab ran after that dog, kicked it's butt into next year chased it all the way home. Just about 100 feet away. My dog is trained to stay home but lately keeps trying to sneak off, I found out they are calling him over and giving him treats. They thought they were being nice, and they are a nice young couple, but since the fight they are not doing that. Ugh!! I don't want neighbor issues, they are such a nice couple. My dog has to be chained now if I am outside and am even a little distracted, which before I could turn my back some and have no wandering issues. Now my dog, who is stubborn dominant hunting lab anyway, took lots of time to train is needing retrained some. We are getting our acre fenced this summer, can't wait.

That's too bad about your call duck. Our neighbor's dogs came into our yard once and killed 2 call ducks and 3 chickens. They also attacked my dog. My husband tried to shoot them. The neighbor payed for all the animals that were killed and he has been warned that if his dogs get away again and come into our yard they will not be coming back home alive.
Since they saw it, I would get a signed statement from them, take it and the dead duck to the dogs owners, ask for reimbursment, and tell them they need to keep their dog contained.

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