Neighbors Taunt Dying Girl

I think that the guy got fired from is job..
Im just wondering what (if anything!) that family could have done to those people for doing such horrible things!
That lady sure had some venom in her words when she said she wanted them to suffer
They said its been a on-going neighborhood feud...
Even so... to take it to that level... wackos..
What a miserable piece of trash that woman is!!!! Sorry if I offend anyone, but that is uncalled for, that poor little girl, ad what the dad must be going through already having lost his wife and now facing the fact his daughter is dying too. Terrible what that woman is doing!!! Karma Has a way of coming back around!!
I saw on, Issues with Jane Veliz Mitchell ,that it started over ones children not coming to a B-day party, and the one giving the party not return texting fast enough.

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