Nene Geese

Can you actually get nene geese outside of Hawaii? I grew up there and remember seeing them at Honolulu zoo and a few nature reserves, but thought they were endangered (of course this was a really long time ago) and incredibly rare. If they are available, I would LOVE to get some.
oh yes, I have seen a number of sites from the mainland talking about their Nene, but this was years ago. My hubby is from Oahu and we'd like to buy and hear from others about their experiences with them.
Hopefully someone will clue us in! Aloha.
I have a pair of Nene Geese.. Mine should have babies this winter.. and know MANY other friends with them. Such nice little geese!

Here is a picture of my pair..


I can try and locate a pair for you!
D'Angelo N Va. :

I have never heard of those before, but man are they pretty.

This is the world's rarest goose. It is believed that it once was common, with approximately 25,000 Hawaiian Goose living in Hawaiʻi when Captain James Cook arrived in 1778. However, hunting and introduced predators, such as Small Asian Mongooses, pigs, and cats, reduced the population to 30 birds by 1952. However, this species breeds well in captivity, and has been successfully re-introduced; in 2004, it was estimated that there were 800 birds in the wild, as well as 1000 in wildfowl collections and zoos.
(I just copied that from Wikipedia)​
I have 2 of those 1000
Hopefully I will have some next year! My other friend has 2 pair and another has 1 so between the 3 of us we should be able to make a pair of babies..
Anyone from the East Coast of USA have them? I would be scared to death to have some shipped from cali

I live in PA
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