Nerve Damage from fox attack


Jul 3, 2021
1 month ago I saved my hen from a fox who had her pinned to the ground. I examined her and found no lacerations, bites, blood or dislocations. She seemed a bit reserved for a couple days and then a few hens started pecking her. I then noticed her wing seemed to be drooping a bit. I isolated her, she was eating, drinking but just seemed off. I took her in the yard and she walked around ok, no limp, but the wing wasn’t right. Took her to vet and he believes she received nerve damage from the attack as everything else checked out ok. he also said to wait a couple weeks before trying meds as that could make her even more lethargic. Just wondering if anyone had any suggestions for something else I could do. I have her on my gated deck during the day and she seems happy enough and at night back in the barn in a large carrier so she can sleep with the girls. Thanks.
Sorry, I don't have any suggestions. I had a duck who suffered nerve damage as a result of being egg bound. Paige dragged her leg for the rest of her life, but otherwise was as normal as before.

It sounds like you are taking good care of your hen; best wishes for her recovery.

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