nest box question


9 Years
Oct 24, 2014
Quincy IL
I am building nest boxes this weekend. My question is is 12 inches wide X 15 tall X 20 deep a big enough box? I'm trying to work with what already is in place. This would be for standard sized chickens. (buff orpingtons, Rhode Island reds, Black copper marans)



This is what I am working with. All the boxes are at least 10 1/2 inches wide. Most are 12 inches wide. I'm experimenting with a 2 x 4 across the top row on part of them. This makes the opening height on the bottom 9 1/2 inches. My hens are just starting to lay. So far every egg I have gotten has been laid on the ground. Any suggestions or changes I should make on the nest boxes?
My boxes are 12x12 inches and the front opening is 12 inches high, but I have a high pitched roof to keep them from sitting on the top of it and roosting. So it has lots of head room in there.

My new layers tend to lay a few on the ground. I think the new process catches them off guard. Fake eggs in the boxes gets them on track fairly quickly.
My boxes are 12x12 inches and the front opening is 12 inches high, but I have a high pitched roof to keep them from sitting on the top of it and roosting.  So it has lots of head room in there.

My new layers tend to lay a few on the ground.  I think the new process catches them off guard.  Fake eggs in the boxes gets them on track fairly quickly.

I was wondering about the fake eggs in the boxes.... I just got my boxes done and put in yesterday because I'm hoping some of mine are about ready to lay. I saw fake eggs on eBay and was wondering if I really needed to get those. Thanks for info.
I was wondering about the fake eggs in the boxes.... I just got my boxes done and put in yesterday because I'm hoping some of mine are about ready to lay. I saw fake eggs on eBay and was wondering if I really needed to get those. Thanks for info.

Do you have Hobby Lobby close?

They have them there as well, and much less expensive too. They are in the woodworking area, near the glass bottles and jars.
Fake eggs in the boxes gets them on track fairly quickly.

This works well, but beware it can also send the birds into a broody mindset, it's a double edged sword...

I use covered plastic litter boxes in my coop, I like the ability to be able to take them out and power wash them... Anyway the opening is only about 7x7 and the birds have no issues getting in and out...

I use plastic Easter eggs in mine, I just glue the two halves together, and I have used golf balls in the past...
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This works well, but beware it can also send the birds into a broody mindset, it's a double edged sword...

I use covered plastic litter boxes in my coop, I like the ability to be able to take them out and power wash them... Anyway the opening is only about 7x7 and the birds have no issues getting in and out...

I agree on the broody thing. I don't leave them in there. I just use the eggs until they get the hang of it. After two successful lays, the eggs come out.

I had some wonderful plastic commercial boxes, and the opening was 8x8 inches and my large breeds had horrible trouble with them. My nesting box unit is a stand alone unit, and painted and sealed, so I can take it out and wash it.

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