nest boxes and lighting


10 Years
Aug 4, 2009
I have four nest boxes 18" off the ground (roosts are 2' to 5') each box is 12"w X 14"d the sides are 18" high but open at the top. should I put a top on them?

I was going to put a light in the coop for the winter to create more daylight. However after reading that some of you don't, to give your girls some rest. I am reconsidering it. I don't know why my girls need rest they haven't done anything yet but eat, sleep,and poop. since I got them
If I do put a light in, where should it go? in the center of the coop, over the roost, or over the nest box?
is the light for LIGHT or heat? if it is for light, I may rip apart some of those solar driveway lights andinstall those
I did put a top on, glad I did now. I put a roost above it. Thanks

Bear foot
I was thinking in the center too,but wanted to see what others thought. It will be for light,but want an outlet just in case I need heat


I will have ( Barred Rocks , Black Australop , Bluff Orlington , Silver Laced and Red Sex Link )

I would like to know, if can I put this nestling boxes .. 18 inch to the ground ( floor ) ??



# 1 ..... Model BB10 .... nest size 10 " high by 14 " wide

thank you so much .



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