Nest Boxes for the plus size girls


Chicken Lickin' Good
8 Years
Mar 28, 2011
Boise, ID
I have found information about the standard size for nest boxes. I am trying to design the nest box setup to attach to the outside of the coop and I can't figure out how big to make it. I realize bigger can be better, but I want to make sure that I make it big enough and then I can add inches were they are available. A lot of my pullets are heavy breed and will need space. Lots of it. I have Jersey Giants, Brahma, Easter Eggers, Wyandotte, Blue Andalusian, Welsummer, and Black Sex-link.

Anyone have any practical experience with nest boxes for big girls? Plus-sized if you will. Pictures are great if you have them. Measurements are especially helpful.
Actually, you would think that Bigger is better, but hens like a small tight, dark, enclosed nesting area. I have some pretty big girls, Buff Orpington, Jersey Giant, Wayndotte, and they fit just fine in my nesting boxes. I am not sure the dimesnsions, but they are smaller then the average. I will take some pictures for you, and post them in a little while.
Hrm that's good to know. I wanted to build as much of the nest box setup to attach to the outside of the coop as possible so I didn't have to get inside the dang thing.
plus size girls
So, here are some pictures of my Girls nesting boxes. They arent anything fancy, but work, and are very easy to collect the eggs!!

Here is the outside closed.

Outside Open

And here is the nest boxes from the inside of the coop.

The funny thing is, From the inside the smallest nesting boxes are the two furthest right ones, and those are the ones my largest girls use! lol
thank you so much! this gives me the perfect idea! Yeah, I didn't want to call them 'fat' or 'big boned' or 'heavy breed' because they take offense to that :p
Our girls do not think of them as plus sized girls........they think bantams are large doves and not real chickens.

Our nest boxes include 2 kitty litter pans and 2 dishpans. They do not seem to care which they are in other than they prefer the ones that have a view of the garden via the pop door, seems they don't want to miss a treat.

oops forgot, 1 Olive Egger (red sex link x EE roo), 5 EE's, and 1 slw use the boxes.
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I have several nest box options for my girls of all sizes.

They do like it cozy, though. Right now, there are two very fluffy
and quite broody Blue Orpington hens sharing a large, covered kitty litter box! In my really big coop, I am using plastic milk crates for four nest boxes and two dresser drawers for the Jersey Giant hens I am gonna get some day. (Hatched 4 cockerels and 1 pullet but the pullet died during a cocci outbreak.) OR as "community" nest boxes for the ladies that like company.
Do you think it would be good to put a window panel along the back of the nest box setup? Let light in and let them see outside when they go in to lay? Of course it would be covered with hardware cloth and I could get plexiglass to fit the cut. I'm thinking something like this.


or have the whole back panel a window like this

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