Nesting and hatching help!


Mar 17, 2017
Waco, Tx
Hi all- my black Indian runner went broody while we were out of town last month, and her nest was back in an area where we couldn’t reach the eggs to candle or collect easily, so we let nature take its course.
Yesterday morning, I went to check on her and there was a little duckling! It looks to be about a day or two old, and so far is the only one. We put a barrier around the area of the yard she is in so no one can get to her, and put food and water near them. She has not moved from her nest, but I can still see quite a large number of eggs under her.

My question is, at what point do we take measures to move her, move eggs, and allow them more backyard privledges? I have chickens and ducks who all free-range. I’m worried she will be so devoted to sitting on her eggs that she neglects this duckling. Thanks for your help! Any advice is well appreciated!
She may get up on her own in about 3 days but maybe not it just depends on the duck how do you plan to get her out of there and her ducklings that have hatched? Put the feed and water as close as you can and if she isn’t out in about 3-4 days have your plan ready to get her out so you can candle remaining eggs put her and her hatched ducklings and ones that may hatch after candling in a new secure area until they are at least a week old I usually keep mine in a see but not touch temporary area for 2-3weeks gives ducklings a chance to get stronger be completely bonded to mama and sibs and gives adults time to get to see and accept them.
She may get up on her own in about 3 days but maybe not it just depends on the duck how do you plan to get her out of there and her ducklings that have hatched? Put the feed and water as close as you can and if she isn’t out in about 3-4 days have your plan ready to get her out so you can candle remaining eggs put her and her hatched ducklings and ones that may hatch after candling in a new secure area until they are at least a week old I usually keep mine in a see but not touch temporary area for 2-3weeks gives ducklings a chance to get stronger be completely bonded to mama and sibs and gives adults time to get to see and accept them.

I’ll have to move all the plants and tree limbs she has nested under- it’s really a great spot! We’ve got her pretty well secluded from the other birds, but if she ventured out from her hollow, they could see but not access her. She’s got food and water nearby her. I’m not sure if any of the other eggs will hatch- I’m thinking they would have by now, right? It’s been at least 2 days since this little guy hatched...
But I also don’t want to traumatize mom by forcing her off the nest or anything! But she has sat on eggs until they exploded before... so I don’t really trust her judgement
Yes you def want to candle sometimes it can take 2-3 days depending on how warm she kept the eggs and how many she is sitting on matters to. But candling will let you know if any more will hatch. Sure don't want exploding bacteria filled eggs in the nest.:sick
Tonight when I went and checked, there were 2 ducklings, and one egg was hatching! Momma got up to show them where more water was and I got a good look at the nest!

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