Nesting box depth


Jun 2, 2023
North Florida/Panhandle
we’re redoing our coop and I want removable nesting boxes for easy cleaning. The nesting boxes will be off the side in a row with a hinge top for access from outside the coop. The idea is to put each of these bins in each slot. Are the dimensions ok for nesting boxes? Are they too deep? Also how high should the ceiling of the nesting area be? Meaning distance from bottom of the box to the top of the hinged door.


The size of the bins should be fine. The depth should be fine.

12 inches is sometimes a good height for a nestbox, but some chickens like or need it taller. So maybe put the roof of the nests 12" above the top of the bins, which would be about 18" above the bottom of the bins. Putting more or less bedding in the nests can change how deep they seem to the hens, if you feel the need to adjust it a bit.
The size of the bins should be fine. The depth should be fine.

12 inches is sometimes a good height for a nestbox, but some chickens like or need it taller. So maybe put the roof of the nests 12" above the top of the bins, which would be about 18" above the bottom of the bins. Putting more or less bedding in the nests can change how deep they seem to the hens, if you feel the need to adjust it a bit.

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