Nesting Box Ideas!!! Please!!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Nov 18, 2013
Windsor, Colorado
So we are currently constructing a larger coop for our growing flock and I have several ideas for the nesting boxes but my favorite right now is the 5 gallon bucket idea...please post your ideas and some pictures if possible!! please please please give me some input!!!
We originally wanted to use 5 gallon buckets. We had a shelf across the back wall of the coop to line them up....but some of our girls are big and didn't seem comfortable. So now we have a mix of boxes. A couple buckets, a couple covered litter boxes, open areas to nest. All the girls have a favorite spot.
If you are in the construction phase, why not just add on some external nesting boxes? They are easy to build and don't require much material
My coop is an A frame design so I dont really want to have to deal with that, it is big enough for us to just walk in and get the eggs, i had external egg boxes on our last coop and it really is not hard but I just dont feel like put it on this go round.

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