Nesting box question


7 Years
Apr 30, 2012
I have only 4 chickens. I am planning to build a 4x4 ft coop. Is it better to have the nesting boxes hanging off the back ( as I see many of you do) or is it ok to just put them right inside the coop? I am thinking of 3ft x 4ft of "space" for the chickens and then partition off 1'x1' boxes in the back for them. That sounds much easier to me, I'm not a builder Ha !Is that a big enough box? 1'x 1'? I have 1 bantam cochin and 3 wyandottes. They will have a 10'x4'x3' run attached to the coop. Since I live in SW FL, I figure they will be out most of the time. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
I would think that 1x1 should be plenty big enough, that is all the bigger I am making the nest boxes in my winter coop and only slightly smaller than the ones in the portable coop kit that I purchased. Also the only issue I can see to having the nest boxes closer to the front would be weather, here in Montana, to close to the door means drafts and frozen eggs but in Florida that is probably not a problem, the only other possible issue I see, is its closer access for predators and egg thieves but that should be a manageable issue.
I'm farely sure that the only reason most people tend to put the nesting boxes on the backs or the sides of the coop's is aesthetics, I have mine on the front as I don't want to be tramping round the back in the dark, possibly tripping over
There are a couple of good reasons to have them on the outside.
1. Leaves you more room on the inside.
2. Ease of collecting your eggs.

Your coop may be big enough for the chickens you have now. Expect your hens to lay 3 to 4 years. At 3 years I would be getting more chicks to replace the old hens. Having nesting boxes on outside, leaves you more room on inside. Not all days are going to be pretty and sunshining. Just food for thought.
I have two coops, one with nesting boxes on the outside and one with them inside. I love the boxes on the outside, I don't have to walk in chicken poo to collect the eggs, and when I have to go in to collect eggs in the other coop the chickens stir up a lot of dust. I guess if you put them on the inside but have it so you get the eggs from the outside that would work, but you still lose the floor space for the chickens.
Thanks for the input, I guess in my situation, putting them on the inside would just mean loosing floor space. I will be making an easy access door on the back. I'll have to see what we think we can actually build I suppose.
What does everyone think of using milk crates for nesting boxes? They are about 1'x1' and stiffed full of hay should be just about right...?

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