Nesting Boxes/NOT BEDS!


5 Years
Apr 25, 2017
I am planning my coop rebuild. Is there a way to make nesting boxes so that chickens don't want to sleep in them by changing the size/shape/position in the coop? Or is this just a learned behavior?
This is more of a learned behavior- something chicks pick up when they don't get forced to stay out of the boxes.
However, if your roosts are not higher than your nest boxes, then any chicken is bound to sleep in the boxes.
I am planning my coop rebuild. Is there a way to make nesting boxes so that chickens don't want to sleep in them by changing the size/shape/position in the coop? Or is this just a learned behavior?
My experience is that if you provide sufficient and desirable roosts the roosts and not the nest boxes are what will be used for their nighttime beds.
My experience is that if you provide sufficient and desirable roosts the roosts and not the nest boxes are what will be used for their nighttime beds.
You can NEVER have enough roosts. I find the lower pecking order birds feel comfort in roosting far away from the alphas. Only exception is on freezing nights when there is more warmth in huddled in masses.
I don't need a weather man to tell me it's gunna freeze tonight when my "weaker hens" are huddled with the alphas. And warm nights they are far away as possible.
You can NEVER have enough roosts. I find the lower pecking order birds feel comfort in roosting far away from the alphas. Only exception is on freezing nights when there is more warmth in huddled in masses.
I don't need a weather man to tell me it's gunna freeze tonight when my "weaker hens" are huddled with the alphas. And warm nights they are far away as possible.

I totally agree. There is about one free rung on my chickens roosting bars, but the hen on the bottom of the pecking order NEVER sleeps there unless it is going to be very, very cold. She prefers to sleep on the bars of the nesting boxes as far away as possible from the other birds.
I am planning my coop rebuild. Is there a way to make nesting boxes so that chickens don't want to sleep in them by changing the size/shape/position in the coop? Or is this just a learned behavior?

I totally agree. There is about one free rung on my chickens roosting bars, but the hen on the bottom of the pecking order NEVER sleeps there unless it is going to be very, very cold. She prefers to sleep on the bars of the nesting boxes as far away as possible from the other birds.
Build them like Stadium Seating or a Stair Case.
Mine are "Totem Pole" or "King of the Hill" in my egg makers house
There are actually 4 roosts on this end. only 3 fit in the photo. The top roost is filled with the strong willed birds, then so on & so forth.. down to number 4 roost. The 12 foot wide perches are PUSH AND SHOVE at sundown on the top one. They shove each other off in a King of the Hill manner until the stronger ones are the only remaining. Then the cycle repeats it's self on the next highest perch, then 3rd to the forth.
There is an additional perch on the opposite end for the weak ones, so they won't perch or poop in the nesting boxes all night long. Although I can't keep the broody girls from sleeping in the baskets. They are the POOPY-EST nests and need more maintenance than the rest..

Back to the OP.. I hope the photos will help you while designing your set up. This one works for me. I can take pix of my other hen houses if you need more ideas. This is the only one I have handy on my tablet.
Don't forget to add photos as you build the new coop! I love under construction and before/after pix.
Thanks for the tips all! This will be my second year with the girls and I started with a pre-fab coop figuring I would learn what I liked and didn't like and build one for next spring. The prefab coop has very low roosts only inches away from the nesting boxes, so I will definitely be adding more/higher ones to my custom build.

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