Nesting on roof of coop at night


In the Brooder
Jun 26, 2019
My polish chicken started, a few days ago, putting herself to bed on the roof of the coop. When I go down to close them up at night I have to grab her off of there. Why would she be doing this and how can I deter her? She seems to be pretty low in the pecking order, could it be a result of getting picked on?
My polish chicken started, a few days ago, putting herself to bed on the roof of the coop. When I go down to close them up at night I have to grab her off of there. Why would she be doing this and how can I deter her? She seems to be pretty low in the pecking order, could it be a result of getting picked on?
What are your other breeds?
How large is the coop in feet x feet?
How many birds do you have?
How many feet of roost space do you have?
Can you post pictures of your setup?
If she is the only Polish in a flock of non-Polish it is very likely that she is getting pummeled at roost time so she chooses to avoid that by roosting away from the others.
Pictures will help with suggestions.
Yes, it's possible that it could have something to do with being picked on or she may just like it up there, lol. If you keep putting her in the coop at night she should start to go in there. If you place her next to another hen it's a good idea to put her head facing the opposite direction of the other hen so she's less likely to get pecked if she's lower on the pecking order.
I just recently have my first stray chicken every night but I can't actually find her! I just know she's not in the coop when I go to let them out every morning. Lol
I have a coop that is 9 ft tall and I have a variety of chickens including two Polish. My Polish seem to get to the highest spot that they can in the coop. The other night one of them did not return, but in the morning it was back. I think she roosted in a tree and she flies over our 8-ft fence and free ranges all day. My Polish are probably the least tame out of all of mine because they weren't handled very much before I got them.

This isn't the first time that I've heard of a Polish trying to get to the highest possible point it can to roost.

If you put her in a couple nights, she should get the hint that she needs to be inside the coop instead of outside.
What are your other breeds?
How large is the coop in feet x feet?
How many birds do you have?
How many feet of roost space do you have?
Can you post pictures of your setup?
If she is the only Polish in a flock of non-Polish it is very likely that she is getting pummeled at roost time so she chooses to avoid that by roosting away from the others.
Pictures will help with suggestions.
Ditto Dat!!^^^

Also how old are these birds, did they all grow up together??

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