Neurodivergent chicken keepers

You don't have to call yourself disabled if you don't feel it's appropriate. You also don't have to put up with it as a label applied to you if you do not feel it is fitting. it doesn't affect your condition, but if it negatively affects your mindset, ignore it. You are as able as you choose to be.
it's the other way around, i know i am but i feel like i'm appropriating the label? which doesn't exactly make sense as i type this out lol
it's the other way around, i know i am but i feel like i'm appropriating the label? which doesn't exactly make sense as i type this out lol
I followed it. What I said still stands. Use it as a tool, not a crutch. Are you "disabled" enough to qualify for services (or handicap plates)? Go for it! But don't give in to letting it win if you don't have to.
it's the other way around, i know i am but i feel like i'm appropriating the label? which doesn't exactly make sense as i type this out lol
I completely get what you’re saying. You feel like you don’t qualify for it and maybe other people would think the same? I’m sure thats not the case. :hugs If i read that right
hehehe it's been hyperfixation holiday this week (24601 day + death of lamarque, barricades day parts 1 and 2, and javert debridgement day) and i think i'm driving my friends insane but i'm having so much fun

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