Never thought it would hurt this much or that I would cry...

The Chicken People

10 Years
May 4, 2009
Smithville, Mo
My DH is coming home in a little bit to cull one of our first RIR Hens! Red will be greatly missed on this farm!
This is the second time she has acted sickly and hasnt laid an egg in a very long time! I am not sure if it was a case of being egg bound or an internal layer. I am soo sad!
I am so sorry. That is sad, but it seems like you are making the right decision to cull a sick bird rather than let her suffer or possible pass on an illness to others in your flock.
Her last time of acting ill was in May and I gave her Poly vi sol drops and she got better! She is only 19 months old so I thought my lack of eggs was due to molting...most of the older girls are!
I'm so sorry to hear this! In June the neighbor's dog go t in and killed all but 4 of my 22 w wk old chicks. I was hysterical. Now I have to sell a few to thin my flock and I know it'll be hard to let them go. I'd sure like to sell them to someone who loves their chickens!

Hang in there!!
Sorry you are having to make this rough decision, but it is the humane one.

You're a good chicken keeper.
I recently lost one of my favorite birds, she was only 10 mos. I feel for you. Its strange how attached one can become to a chicken. They are just like any other pet. I have some I'd be happy to let go of and others that break my heart to lose.

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