Never would have thought of a duck as a pet!


7 Years
Jul 23, 2012
Portland, TN
Early last week, I came home from work late one day, and was letting my little dog out. While I was getting our mail, she started yipping, and getting very excited about something she found. I was nervous about a possible snake since we have had more of those in the area than we have had in previous years, so I ran over to her to get her out of possible harms way. Instead of a snake was little duckling, no more than 2 weeks old. I picked her up, and she immediately started to snuggle. I looked every where for her mother or fellow siblings, but could not find a trace of either. There was a small sore on her back, and after doing some research, I learned she was probably the runt, and picked on by her siblings or mother. Her mother probably abandoned her, so sad! I have an old dog kennel that is plenty big for her to stay in when I am not home, and I have put in a couple of towels, an old t-shirt, and a stuffed animal for her, along with her food and water bowls. This little duck has so much personality! She chirps excitedly every time my fiance and I come home from work, and cannot wait to be held and played with! Every night, I fill up a sink with water and let her have her bath time, where she splashes, and chirps happily, it is so cute! After her bath, I wrap her up in a little towel, and cuddle with her till she falls asleep. She loves to nibble on my fingers and nose, it doesn't hurt at all, and I have read that they are probably love nibbles :) She loves to chase after my cats, who seem to be scared of her, it is so silly!

I am falling head over heels in love with my little duck, whom I have named Goose! I never thought I would have such an unusual pet, but I am so happy she found us :) Any tips on care for her would be greatly appreciated! Currently, I give her veggies (green beans, peas, corn, and carrots), along with chick starter, or watered down dog food made with corn. Her sore is completely healed, and she seems to be incredibly healthy! I am thinking about getting her a small childrens pool for her to play outdoors in. I know she isn't waterproof yet, so I want to wait to take her to any larger body of water. Again, any suggestions would be a wonderful help on how to give continuous care to my little ducky baby :)
Sounds like she has a wonderful home with you. Welcome to the duck forum
You can get chick started at most feed stores or pet stores. She will imprint on you because she is an only duck. They love watermelon, peas, corn and other treats. enjoy your new baby
Mealworms are a nice nutritious treat, too, with protein and some niacin. Chick starter may be too low in niacin for optimum nutrition for her. It depends on the individual duck to some extent, as far as I can tell.

Check out the stickies, by the way. Loads of good information there.
It's great that you saved her! Now she has a loving home. Do you think she's a mallard duck? I bet she's an adorable little thing!
Thanks for all the sweet, encouraging replys, and tips! Downsm75, I will definitely have to try the watermelon, I am sure she would love it! Diamond88, according to my dad who used to raise little ducks she is supposedly a mini mallard, she will be about half the size of normal mallards. So cute! My picture is of her after bathtime, though it is sideways:)

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