New 13 wk old Buff Orp Rooster Splayed Leg?


12 Years
Mar 3, 2007
Hello! I recently picked up a new flock of 7 Buff Orpington chickens one week ago. All are 13 weeks old. I've noticed one little rooster is limping and when I feed them in the mornings he is kind of fluffed up and may have his head under his wing. Not good signs! Anyway, I now see that when he walks he limps and when standing his right leg is not straight under him, but more so is positioned behind him on the ground. I've put him in a travel cage and seperated him from the rest of the flock. He is eating good. It's chilly and damp here today so I have a heat lamp positioned several feet above the travel cage. I believe I have 4 hens and 3 roosters, kind of hard to tell now though, and I'm not an expert. Is there anything I can do for this little guy? The others are not picking on him, I don't see any scrapes or cuts on the leg that would cause the limp. Any advise would be much appreciated! My coop has been empty all winter since my little flock of bantys were taken out by a predator last fall (racoon maybe?), all that was left of them were little piles of feathers... I am so delighted to have chickens again! Any advise the forum may have for my little rooster would be much appreciated!!!
for the banty flock - that is heartbreaking. Glad you have been able to get more chickens. Bet your coop is Fort Knox now.

How is the BO guy doing?
Well, I seperated him from the others, warmed him up, made sure he was eating, drinking and all that. When I put him back with the others he seemed to be stronger, but when I checked on him this morn his head was tucked under his wing and I had to call his name (Arthur!) several times before he looked up. I'm actually thinking about calling our local country vet to see if she treats chickens. Probably a $40.00 fee for a $5.00 chicken, but well what do you do? I have some antibiotics from Murray McMurray, but geez Louise, I'm going to have to get out the calculator to see what the proper ratio is for a gallon of water! Besides I'm really not sure if that will cure the problem. He seems to not only to be walking with a limp, but maybe he's a little "special".? I'm currently laid off work, so this chicken has become a project!
How does his poo look?

I would keep him apart from the others until he is feeling much better - chickens will pick on members who are not feeling well. Plus if he looks like he feels poorly in the coop - he is really feeling badly (worse than he looks). Not saying this to frighten you - but birds, for survival need to camouflage their illness - an ill bird is "easy pickens" for predators.

How is his walking?

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