New 8 x 12 Bantam Coop *New Additions-Post 244~ 6/2*

Yeah, well, you don't know my DH. There would be no convincing him about it. The best I can do is make sure there is extra ventilation and make sure I am the one who buttons them up for the night so I can leave it open, LOL.
What does he say when you show him the pictures on here, that PROVE it can be done, and it works well. We had 30+mph winds here last night, with wind chill to the lower teens. Went out this morning, the birds were all looking out the front screen at me, The rooster was yelling at me as I got in the truck to go to work. If they were cold, you would think they would all be huddled together in one of the back corners. They all looked pretty comfortable to me. Jack
You lucky dog. Last month at the PA Farm Show, my little girl told me she wanted "little chickens". I had never considered bantams before, but after looking around I decided that I kind of liked D'Anvers. Then I decided I really liked Mottled D'Anvers. I got in touch with Aubrey and was pretty close to ordering them but DD told me that's not what she wanted. So, we got online, looked at breeds and determined that she wanted Cochin Bantams. I guess we'll go with the Cochins, but man does it seem like he has some nice D'Anvers.
When he feels how cold their feet are when he holds them (yes, they are all feathered puppies, I swear), he isn't convinced. So far, I've had no illness here (other than the reproductive ones that are genetic/hormonal) so we must be doing something right. He has such empathy for them, wants their comfort, as do I, but I also realize they don't feel the cold like we do--feathers are terrific insulators. It's all I can do to keep him from heating the coops. Though I personally may weigh in on the side of more air in winter, I do love him for being so concerned about their comfort.
Yeah, when ya gettin started? Love watchin the progress
-and constant changes- of someones new chickie coop. Yours is going to look great!

BTW...I, too, am on Aubrey's list for a couple of his D'anver soon as some are available. He has gorgeous birds!
Oh, yeah, I'm excited about the D'Anvers! We are cruising through the Habitat ReStore to find windows and Tom is drawing up plans. When we get the windows, we'll get started. It's so blasted cold to work outside right now. DH says, "Why do we always build in winter?".

My soil varies. Some is clay, some is sandy, some is rocky and full or ledges of sandstone and roosts. Just depends on where you dig!

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