New 8 x 12 Bantam Coop *New Additions-Post 244~ 6/2*

That is really coming along nicely!
Thank you, Laura. Its first job will be to house all the chicks from my big hatch as they grow out, then it will be just bantams, plus probably Tiny, my little terrorist, and Molly, my Silver Phoenix since they are fliers and this pen will be covered. I candled the dozen D'Anver eggs and only one looks clear-the rest are veining up beautifully. I was trying to candle the first 44 eggs, including the D'Anvers, and my back was stiffening up so badly, I didn't get them all done.
Tiny the terrorist

Good luck with the hatch. I am thinking I should have gotten an incubator...
You and Tom need to take a rest from all that work.
I understand about the back issues, not fun at all.
Tom manages to power through. He and I do enjoy building, but we are both very stiff tonight. I couldn't do what he does as bad as his pain usually gets. I keep telling him that we have to keep moving, no matter how much it hurts, so we don't turn to stone, but sometime before I die, I'd love to hire someone to do some of this work. Dream on, right? It will cost us about 1/4 of what it would if we hired out the work so guess till money falls from the sky, we'll keep the DIY attitude.
That is wonderful Cynthia! You two make a great team. So can you tell me what are you going to do with the floor? I have a coop almost finished too and just do not know how I want to finish the floor.

One person said to use water sealant on it (it is OSB) and I was thinking the vinyl flooring (remnants) What will you use?

Sorry about the aches and pains, I know how it is. I am trying a herbal thing that I heard is supposed to help. Turmeric. So I put a teaspoon is V-8 juice and add 1/2 tsp of cayenne pepper and drink. Even if it doesn't help, it tastes good! Add some vodka for a spicy hot Bloody Mary and you two won't care if anything hurts!
Germaine, in this coop, I think I'll paint the floor with livestock safe paint. ACE Hardware carries it. I used vinyl tiles and I've used vinyl sheet flooring and it always gets gouged, no matter how careful we are. Non-toxic paint seems to be the way to go in this one.

Thanks for the tip! Tom has so many meds here from his back issues, I just took a muscle relaxer and now, I'm a bit loopy, so if I'm typing nonsense, you'll know why, LOL!
LOL you are hurting aren't you, I am so sorry Cyn. It stinks getting older especially when I don't feel it on the inside just the outside.

We painted the whole inside of the coop with the livestock paint, but I am worried about the floor because it is the OSB and it seems to be flaky. Is your floor OSB too?

I have to share that I went to a specialty beer place and was looking around for some fun different beers. Well, about halfway through and halfway down I saw a beer that just made me laugh and laugh. I almost bought it and sent it to you but didn't know if you would find it funny. It was called "Old Speckled Hen"

Thanks Cyn
Use horse rubber mats, that takes care of the gouging from my shovels. Or a hard rubber truck bed liner. OR if you can find them, those long rubber belt that you can find them on old corn cribs or old time tractors. Some of those sheets are narrow as pathways and long as 150 feet. Some of the edges are stapled together to make one continuous line.
The coop looks great. Can't wait to see the coop and run all done and little chickens running around in there. I am working with DH new work schedule he works 2nd shift now but luckily works 4 10 hour days so has 3 days off maybe we can get our projects done
LOL you are hurting aren't you, I am so sorry Cyn. It stinks getting older especially when I don't feel it on the inside just the outside.

We painted the whole inside of the coop with the livestock paint, but I am worried about the floor because it is the OSB and it seems to be flaky. Is your floor OSB too?

I have to share that I went to a specialty beer place and was looking around for some fun different beers. Well, about halfway through and halfway down I saw a beer that just made me laugh and laugh. I almost bought it and sent it to you but didn't know if you would find it funny. It was called "Old Speckled Hen"

Thanks Cyn

And there's a Speckled Hen Pub and a Speckled Hen Quilt shop out there, too--eggchel sent me a Tshirt from it when she visited ( the quilt shop, not the pub).

The floor is OSB, which is naturally cheaper, but not the plain OSB, it's the heavy tongue-in-groove floor decking. I think if I paint it with a thick coat, it may do fine without delaminating. I had to rip up the vinyl sheet flooring in the main coop addition since it was too torn up to be left down anymore, so now it's just the OSB floor showing.

Robin, I don't think I can afford the floor mats.

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