New 8 x 12 Bantam Coop *New Additions-Post 244~ 6/2*

Awesome! When you visit in May, will you build me one too?
This is really exciting to see your progress! I can't wait to start the construction on our coop! Your design with the pitch on the roof and the overhang is really neat! I love the big window as well. Good luck - it is looking pretty sweet!
I am finding this sooooo impressive!!

give your husband a big kiss because he deserves it. My hubby doesn't even have the problems yours does and it has taken him 2 months to put 12 fence post in for me.

I think I want to trade

Great Job again!!! Can't wait to see the chickens and the new paint job!
Cynthia, I needed cross ventilation in my big coop, so DH made me a screen door with hardware cloth that I use during the summer where the human door is, and the solid one is for winter. One swings closed from the outside, and one swings closed from the inside, so they are always both there and I can choose which one I close. And I run a ceiling fan. Just more ideas!
I love it so far. Makes me want to tear down the first shed we ever built, but it's housing my older hens, Suede's group and Zane so no can do. That L shaped shed is completely inferior to the rest of the buildings we've done since.

Karen, I may do the screen door. Suede's coop has one. Installed a vent, awnings over that vent and the pop door, made a ramp, put up one interior wall and we primed it after the pics were taken--paint will have to wait till the next couple of days when we expect rain.






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