New 8 x 12 Bantam Coop *New Additions-Post 244~ 6/2*

It looks so nice - you are doing a great job!! (and helping me figure out a thing or two or three or four!!)

Question: Do people put the hardware cloth under the ground in the run? I am thinking that if it isn't under the run then coyote could dig into the run and well - bad things could happen... what does everyone do about that?
I believe most people dig down a couple of feet and put wire down there. Thats good for the smaller diggers too. Then there are some that do a lip of sorts around the outside of the run about the same distance. The coyotes start right next to the fence if they really want in and it catches on their toes.
It's looking fantastic!
Thank you all!
Karen, yes, Suede is over 4 yrs old now, sweetest rooster you can imagine, a big blue teddy bear.

To answer about the cost, I dont have an exact figure, would have to add it up, but I think it will end up costing about $550-600 since we had already depleted our scavenge pile of wood and had to buy most everything new, the cost of wood having gone up like everything else. The interior will be pieced together with whatever scraps we can find. I have one gallon of paint the greenish gray of the coop closest to it and one unopened gallon of the Victorian Garnet trim color we're using on the coops, so at least that won't cost me any extra. If I run out of the main color, I think I have some shade of gray exterior paint left over from painting our house and will finish the back of the coop, which no one sees, with a slightly different color to save money.

It's raining buckets and will be for at least two days so it's getting the leak test. Glad we got the primer on the building yesterday!
Glad that your power didn't go out, Cyn! It's finally dried up here. It was a nice day to test the drainage of the Delaware's run- I am impressed! Now I can build the new run for the new coop there.

Next time I come visit, I will have to see this new coop! Where is it in relation to the others?

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