New 8 x 12 Bantam Coop *New Additions-Post 244~ 6/2*

LOL you are hurting aren't you, I am so sorry Cyn. It stinks getting older especially when I don't feel it on the inside just the outside.

We painted the whole inside of the coop with the livestock paint, but I am worried about the floor because it is the OSB and it seems to be flaky. Is your floor OSB too?

I have to share that I went to a specialty beer place and was looking around for some fun different beers. Well, about halfway through and halfway down I saw a beer that just made me laugh and laugh. I almost bought it and sent it to you but didn't know if you would find it funny. It was called "Old Speckled Hen"

Thanks Cyn

And there's a Speckled Hen Pub and a Speckled Hen Quilt shop out there, too--eggchel sent me a Tshirt from it when she visited ( the quilt shop, not the pub).

The floor is OSB, which is naturally cheaper, but not the plain OSB, it's the heavy tongue-in-groove floor decking. I think if I paint it with a thick coat, it may do fine without delaminating. I had to rip up the vinyl sheet flooring in the main coop addition since it was too torn up to be left down anymore, so now it's just the OSB floor showing.

Robin, I don't think I can afford the floor mats.

Thanks for the tip Robin and info Cyn. I don't think that is in the budget either for me. My coop is 16x24... I put the stuff that gets painted on concrete (kind of rubbery) on the old coop floor. It has lasted well so maybe I will try it on this one.

I have alot of catching up to do. I am just amazed at how fast your coop is going up and it is AWESOME!
Thanks, Germaine! We'll continue working tomorrow on the inside. DH took a spill on a slippery ramp yesterday and jarred his whole body, so he's resting up today.

: pics of the small loft area and some of the ventilation.




This is one of the two front soffit vents, pic taken from inside on a step ladder.


This is the vent next to the human door from the inside--still need to make a hinged cover for it.

Removed the entire broody pen from another coop and installed it in the storage area of the new bantam coop to use as a brooder. It had been built on the floor so had no floor of its own and we had to put some plywood underneath it for that purpose. Added a hinged cover for the vent, walled the storage area.




Top of divider wall on coop side--keeps bantams from flying over the wall without blocking air or light.

It is great isn't it Lady Hawk. Sigh..... I wish they would come out here for a "visit" I could use some advice with my coop and ventilation.

You and the hubby are officially invited Cyn.
Poor hubby couldn't move his right arm this morning. We went to Home Depot and picked up two door handles, hasp, couple of gate hooks, etc, and installed them. We next need to build the hinged hardware cloth screen for over the window on the end of the building and the door from the storage room into the coop, then we ran out of plywood for the walls so will have to wait on that. Then DH has to figure out running some cord out there for the brooder lamps we'll be needing to run for the babies.
Well, the good night's sleep never happened. Thunderstorms, torrential rains, even sounded like hail out there. The dog, who is about 60 lbs. went nuts, and cowered in between us in the bed she is not allowed on, all night. DH even fell off the bed, he was pushed so close to the edge, and had a bad leg cramp. The dog kept pawing at DH to please make it stop!
Yup, but I'm prepared for the babies to start sneezing from the chemicals in the plywood and OSB. That's the only downside to new wood. If it would just quit raining for a week or so, we could get more done.

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