New 8 x 12 Bantam Coop *New Additions-Post 244~ 6/2*

My own DH really wants to go back to the old days of maybe a dozen hens. We may be headed that way soon if the economy doesn't pick up some, but I like this coop better than the others we've built and this one stays. Maybe I'll move the old ladies in with the bantams and reclaim their coop for a storage shed, which is what it used to be.
Wow! That is really nice! Would you show or tell how you framed in the patio door. I have a set I was going to use on my new coop. Take the glass out of the frame and frame it in with 2x2"s?
We did have to take off one long side of the frame, but left on the other three. The hole was cut to fit the door and we didn't expect to have to remove part of the frame, but it was just a smidge too tight, and being afraid we'd break the glass if we forced it, we removed one long side of the frame that is at the top and it slid right in place. There are 2x2s all around on inside and out and caulked to the max. That door glass has lost its seal, but it lets in so much light, it doesn't matter that it's partly cloudy on occasion.

So far, I love it. My DH keeps looking at it and says it's exactly how he envisioned it.
Super beautiful coop! And a really good idea for the covering.
Eventually I will have to move my Polish chicks in with the silkies for a while, and I can use deer netting incase any dumb bird thinks that they're a free meal!
Robin, I just put a group of 13 extras up in our auction area. Someone was going to buy all the extras at once, but apparently didn't want to pay my price (less than $3.50 for each 4 week old chick, less than the feedstore charges for hatchery birds). Then I have a couple folks I'm holding out for, a guy I owe an EE pullet to, a friend who wants a couple of the pullets since she already has mostly my birds and lockedhearts gets a BR cockerel I promised her, etc.
A super nice guy bought all my extra chicks (thanks so much, Derrick!) and I'm down to my keepers, 10 standards and 7 D'Anver bantams. Eventually, only the bantams and the Silver Phoenix will be living here, and possibly my Amer/Sumatra girl, maybe my banty Cochin, but thought I'd update the thread and tell you how I'm liking this coop.

I LOVE IT! This covered pen is awesome! I can't tell you how satisfied we are with the coop and the pen. I feel awesome knowing that no one can fly out and nothing can fly out, either. I can leave the little ones out when we go somewhere and not feel scared that one will find its way out of the pen or become a hawk's snack. It puts the shed beside it, the first building we ever built, to shame, so much so that we plan to tear it down one day and build a better storage building further away (not till after my big old Suede goes to that Great Roost in the Sky, though). I highly recommend this method using the PVC foamcore pipe. We plan to get a tarp and lay it across part of the pen closest to the building for extra shade in the summer as well and it will be fully supported and shouldn't hold water due to the curved nature of the pen top.

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